
6cm dilated!!

I went for my 35 week appointment on Thursday and I am 6cm dilated and Baby A is very low!  I was put on bed rest and told it could be happen any day now.   I have felt really good! I was still working and have had no contractions or pain.... Just some pressure.  Did anyone have a similar experience?  How long did you last before labor actually started?  I know there is no clear cut answer.  (With my DD I was 4cm at 36w and had her at 38w and with DS I was 1cm at 38w and had him 3days later.)  

 Thanks Ladies!

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Re: 6cm dilated!!

  • We never let our patients leave the hospital past 4-5 be ready at any time!
    Three losses in 2009; Boy/Girl twins born in 2010 image
  • I was 5 cm and contacting every 5-7 mintues and put on bed rest and oral terbutaline. Put in hospital next day on iv mag for five days to stop contractions to give babies more time to grow. Once mag was stopped water broke and babies born one hr later. It really just depends on your body.
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