
Has Anyone Else Had a Tubal with A C-Section?

I am wondering if this will make my recovery more difficult or if it will be the same regardless.  TIA. Please no flames, DH and I agreed long ago that we do not want more than 2 children.
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Re: Has Anyone Else Had a Tubal with A C-Section?

  • No flames from me.  The recovery was just the same as my 1st c-section, it felt no different at all, tubal or not.  The only difference was that the 2nd c-section lasted a few minutes longer due to the tubal.
    image Nicholas Jacob born on 06/30/2009, 9.5lbs and 21 1/4" long Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Joshua Scott 5.3lbs & Jonathan Matthew 6.2lbs, born 08/31/10 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • imagebusybea:
    No flames from me.  The recovery was just the same as my 1st c-section, it felt no different at all, tubal or not.  The only difference was that the 2nd c-section lasted a few minutes longer due to the tubal.

    Thank you! My mom scared me.  She said by doing it all at once I may end up with more pain. I wanted to know from someone who actually did it.

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  • image2006july15bride:

    No flames from me.  The recovery was just the same as my 1st c-section, it felt no different at all, tubal or not.  The only difference was that the 2nd c-section lasted a few minutes longer due to the tubal.

    Thank you! My mom scared me.  She said by doing it all at once I may end up with more pain. I wanted to know from someone who actually did it.

    Not at all... and why would you want to go in for a second surgery later on since you're going to be opened up anyways? 

    image Nicholas Jacob born on 06/30/2009, 9.5lbs and 21 1/4" long Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Joshua Scott 5.3lbs & Jonathan Matthew 6.2lbs, born 08/31/10 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • A tubal at the time of a c-section is literally a two minute procedure.  It's simple, quick, and causes no additional pain or discomfort.  Some people think that a tubal causes them pain later.  That myth has been completely debunked.

    No one can blame you for that decision....I am certain most MoM have considered it.

    Three losses in 2009; Boy/Girl twins born in 2010 image
  • even though we know we are done i couldn't do it... i thought about getting one - but then i was way to scared to do something so permanent... God forbid something happened to one of the babies and we wanted to try again eventually.... I just couldn't do it- but know many who did and recovery was no different for them.


  • If someone flames you for having a tubal, I give you permission to beat them down.

    Having a tubal at the same time as your section will add no more recovery time. You'll be fine :)

    no day but today~ RENT  *HEG survivors*
    ::where a sig pic would go if TB wasn't a d*ck::
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  • I have only had one csection so not sure if it helps much but i dont think it caused more pain.  I dont think it was the csection that was so bad but the torn muscles i got from the babies (triplets) and the long bedrest. After all the bed rest then trying to sit up was so hard and painful but only for the first few days.  I don;t blame you for the tubal and would feel sad if someone flamed you, it is a personal decision.  I ove my kids but 4 is good for us, i have some health issues and want to focus on my health and not worry about  accitenly getting pregnant while trying to correct my other issues.  GL
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  • Thanks ladies.  Some people get all judgemental about it so I don't like asking anyone I know IRL.  
    imageBaby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • two is the limit around here too! and while i dont know the answer to your actual question i think anyone that would judge you for your family planning is super lame. L-A-M-E. :)
  • I would never flame you for that!!! If you know you are done having kids, why take the pill every day right? anyways, I say its the perfect time to do it, you are already open! Why go back again for surgery? I have 10 month old twins, and would love one more baby... If that next baby comes via c section, I would get one also.
  • I couldn't tell a difference at all...OB said I probably wouldn't. IT was same recovery, actually better recovery than my first c/s :-)

    But even though I had a tubal, i still stress that I am going to get pregnant LOL 3 children are enough for me! hehe

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  • I wanted to add that if in a few years you guys do decide you want a 3rd...IVF is always an option after a tubal. expensive but an option :-P

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