So I'm wanting to get some wool for DD, and I'm wondering how many covers you have and use? And since they come in sizes, how many do you have for each size? I'm thinking maybe not many (or none?) for the newborn stage, since wool is more for at night and they don't sleep through the night as a NB anyway?
The problem is, I showed the wool covers to DH, and explained how they work, and he goes "Okay great. You should get like 10 of them." Haha, dangerous statement right?? This is how I ended up with way too many Thirsties Size 1 Duo Covers- he picked them out and said "get a bunch" and so now I have like 10 of them! Now I know I should have bought like 5 size 1 and 5 size 2 instead, but I wasn't thinking. I was just excited to buy!
So help me not make the same mistake with wool covers- how many do you recommend?
Re: # of wool covers?
We use wool exclusively, with prefolds until recently and now fitteds. I use 2 soakers (aristocrats) almost exclusively, with 2 pairs of longies and a couple of other soakers in between. Most of my wool has fit through more sizes than you would expect.
I've ordered a couple more soakers to replace the aristocrats which she's starting to get close on the rise on. I've got another couple pairs of the next size up of longies waiting. And I have three more next size up soakers for daytime.
I have a wool problem. ;-) And being able to sew my own covers has fueled it. I also have a pile of sweaters begging to be cut up.
PP is right when they said you can use them over and over without needing to wash. I only wash once a month or so.