Parenting after 35

Our first "major" injury!

So I've managed to keep Charlie injury free for the first 15-months of his life.  Until today.... (cue the ominous music).

During his swim class, the "teacher"  (read=16 year old girl) wanted us to get them out of the pool so they can learn to climb out safely.  Yeah, right.  I put Charlie up there and he promptly face-planted on the rough skid-proof stuff and bloodied his lip and bit it pretty hard.

Did he cry? Of course not.  He was more mad that he had to get out of the water.  But the other two little girls in the class cried like crazy when they saw him!   He just went right back to having a ball in the pool.  It only bled for a minute or so, but now he has a big fat lip. 


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