

How the EFF did you become a platinum poster?!?
Nora Judith 7/2/06 Miles Chauncey 4/20/09 born with Trisomy 21 - Down syndrome

Re: ::amiamish::

  • LOL because I'm a post hoar. :) I was just about to page you- how's Lil' M and Nora? And you?? is dating really that shiity? I've always thought it might be a little fun... What's M's newest fun accomplishment?
  • imageamiamish:
    LOL because I'm a post hoar. :) I was just about to page you- how's Lil' M and Nora? And you?? is dating really that shiity? I've always thought it might be a little fun... What's M's newest fun accomplishment?

    Eh eff the "dating." I'm not even really doing it yet. Like I said, just having a bit of fun with a cool guy I happened to find at the wrong time. But yeah, does remind me of all those stupid "games" you play at first and trying to figure that person out. SO not into that.

    Miles and Nora are doing great. We're getting ready to transition Miles to the toddler room at day care finally after nearly two years with the babies. We had to fight for it, goes against their policy since he can't walk yet, but our early intervention teacher had our back and we got our way. I think it will only be good for him.

     His newest accomplishment is coming to stand on his own in the middle of the room. I have to try to get this on video, since when he does it he sticks his little gut out and looks SO proud of himself. And he now expects applause, since we did it the first few times. If we don't react that way, he's like WTF? And will promptly sit down. LOL

    How are you all doing? 

    Nora Judith 7/2/06 Miles Chauncey 4/20/09 born with Trisomy 21 - Down syndrome
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  • aw! That sounds sooo cute-him sticking his lil gut out and being proud! I bet it will be good for him to be with the older kids, he'll learn better by example probably. Is Nora in preschool? hows she handeling the split? Did you guys have a good Christmas? Get to spend time with your family? We're good, same old stuff here. Although I think I'm starting to feel ready to go back to work. This SAHM thing is hard. I miss being able to have a personal day and take the kids to daycare and just do what ever I wanted...
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