Secondary IF

***2IF Weekly Check-in***

Hi ladies?


Hope all is well with everyone.  It is freezing cold here in Northern New Jersey and I am so ready for Spring?too bad it?s only January. 


To all the Ladies cycling or in the 2ww - Keep strong!  We are all rooting for your BFPs!


Welcome to the new faces!  It's great to have you here even if it has to be because of IF.  Ours is a special kind of journey that we share on this board.  Newcomers are always welcome!  As always, everyone is welcome to post your updates here.  If you want to be added or removed please let me know. Cross-referencing is a tedious task, so please don?t hesitate in asking to be added. 

















































Congratulations to our recent BFP's!!  To our pg 2IFers - please let me know your EDD so I can add it to the list!!!!


Kimmy683?..EDD 9/15/11
Amamommy EDD?

Amer19 EDD?9/10/11
CHI-06 EDD?.

tumble EDD?. 

Kellyloveszach  EDD 6/8/11

Uteandbuff EDD 4/30/11- It?s a BOY!

Oneandonlyyou EDD 4/12/11? It?s TWINS!

MrsMoher EDD 3/29/11 ?It?s a GIRL!

utgirl2 EDD 3/11

schoolsoutbride ? It?s TWINS!


ChristyD_TTTC#2 ? EDD 1/28/11 ?It?s a BOY!


TessCPDF ?EDD 2/4/11

MandyMiller EDD 2/6/11 _It?s a BOY!

Houston 2010 ?It?s TWINS!

Jerseymomma  EDD 1/26/11- Team GREEN!

Wifey006 EDD 1/21/11

Shaunie EDD 1/16/11

mn*plumm EDD1/14/11

VAL215 EDD 1/1/11

mita0523 EDD 1/7/11

Tripmomma EDD 1/2/11 ? It?s a BOY!

alchris EDD 12/25/10 ? It?s a GIRL!


2IF Nursery - Welcome to the world little Miracles!!


TripMomma ? Baby Boy, Jericho

Alchris ? Baby Girl, Elena

Queenbone ? Baby Boy, Francis

Hoping4more ? Baby Girl, Miss J
Smbd ? Baby Girl, Norah

Triple7s- Baby Boy, Christopher


Iluvadam? Baby Boy, Jack & Baby Girl, Lila

Frankie ? Baby Girl, Holly

angw79 - It?s a GIRL!

SarahMN -Baby Girl, Lucy

MrsGabbs4Ed? Baby Boy, Evan

Eyenerd?Baby Boy, Michael

MinnEMsota ?Baby Boy, Finn

Luckiest03- Baby Girl

Firsttogo ?Baby Girl, Gwendolyn

mrs.a.butler ?Baby Boy, Logan

JosiPeaches ?Baby Girl, Catherine

SeptGirl05- Baby Boy

Irishdo ? Baby Boy Finnian & Baby Girl, Agnes (RIP Agnes)

ougrad1? Baby Boy, Hudson & Baby Girl, Landry

VandRicky ?Baby Boy, Christian

Butterbean52 ? Baby Boy, Max

Brougham7-15-06 ?Baby Girl, Audrey

kristyn&ken ? Baby Boy, Sawyer & Baby Girl, Noelle

KellyOsu23 ? Baby Boy, Blake

disney04 ? Baby Girl, Kendall

Meringue57 ?Baby Boy, Henry


Mhop -Baby Girl, Maggie

Sunshine173 ?Baby Girl

ttangel98 ? Baby Boy

hibiscus2007 -Baby Boy, Jackson, Baby Girl, Sophia, & Baby Boy, Colin

Jillrock96- -Baby Girls, Cecelia & Charlotte

SweetieP -Baby Girl, Natalie

MrsTeejer ?Baby Boy

RRHsMom ? Baby girl

DSU98 - Baby Girl, Ashley!

SLM05 - Baby boys, Jonathan, Brandon, Christopher

isabella22 ? Baby boy

CHI-06 - Baby girl

Doozieanne Baby boy, Ethan

hopeful9 ? Baby girl, Lila

Hawaiibridegrm ? Baby boy, Jenson

slsbride ? Baby boy, James

Mrs.LisaP - baby Girl

mrsmiller06 ? Baby Girl, Alyssa

Ladavis ? baby Girl, Piper

mrs.viv07 ? Baby boy, Gabriel

LisaK2B ? Baby Girl, Ally

Calips ? baby boy, Beck 

Home_slice - Baby Girl, Emma

Craziheazo ? Baby Girl, Bella

Bestthingscome - baby Girl, Lily

Tonya_G - baby Girl, Lily 

Firsttogo - Baby Boy, Lincoln 

Jacksonville - Baby Boy

Adelepenguin - Baby Girl, Kathryn

Shawmich - Baby Boy, Grant

Mr&MrsS - Baby Boy,  Nolan

Francisca - Baby Boy, Callum and Baby Girl Rachel


QOTW: How long have you and DH/SO been together?  How did you meet?

Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
"Just keep swimming, just keep swimming..."

Re: ***2IF Weekly Check-in***

  • Update: I am on a break cycle and am waiting for AF to arrive in approximately 2 weeks so I can start IVF #1.

    QOTW: DH and I started dating in December 2001 and got married in May 2006.  We met at work and hit it off at the work Christmas party and the rest in history Big Smile

    Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
    "Just keep swimming, just keep swimming..."
  • Hi, I am new.  Currently waiting for AF so I can begin my IUI's again. 

    QOTW: DH and I met through my cousin who at the time was one of his BFF's.  They were out at a bar and called me up to meet them for some drinks.  Neither one of us liked eachother like that but became friends.  Our friendship grew and we eventually became best friends that would always talk about our dates with eachother and comepare the person to eachother (why can't so and so be more like you?)  Eventually we realized that we were perfect for eachother and have been together ever since. 

    imageLilypie Premature Baby tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickers image Doriimage
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  • Amanda, can you add me to the list?


    Big news here - went for an FET consult with my RE today. He was able to do my saline sono, testing, etc all today... so TODAY my cycle begins! I started BCP today and we are looking to transfer sometime right around Valentine's Day. Fingers crossed that we get lucky this cycle!! 

    DS #1 born 11/23/06 - our IVF miracle! Missing our sweet baby who was spontaneously conceived. 20 week loss on 6/24/10. DS #2 born 10/22/11 at 38w1d after FET #1. Life is GOOD!!!!!
  • Can I be added to the list?  I am currently on CD5 for IUI #3.  I am taking 5mg of femara.

     QOTW:  DH and I met at a work dinner party when I was interning for the company we now both work for.  Good thing our company doesn't frown on husband/wife teams working at our office.  Out of an office of about 150 people there are 8-9 married couples.

    DD: Grace (8/19/2007)
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
    DD: Harper (11/27/2011) Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • Update: I was able to see the heartbeat at our u/s at 5w4d. My OHSS has improved greatly and I am off bedrest and going back to work on Tuesday. Since we saw the heartbeat and all my levels are great, I graduated from RE. I go to my OB on the 25th. QOTW:We met at a! We kept eyeing each other across the bar and finally my drunk friend went over and told him to come over to talk to me. We talked the rest of the night, he called me the next day, and we've been inseperable since!
    Most of the important things in the world have been accomplished by people who have kept on trying when there seemed to be no hope at all." -- Dale Carnegie DS: Born 2007 TTC #2- Diagnosed with secondary infertility, after 18 months and failed IUIs, we achieved success with IVF #1 DD: Born 2011
  • Hi!  I am new.  I am waiting for AF to be over so that we can get back to trying.  We are still trying naturally, but are waiting for DH's appt. with a urologist so that he can get his varicocele surgery.

    QOTW: We met at a party at a mutual friend's house.  I left early, but he asked about me after I left and our friends arranged for us to meet up another time.  I was about to move and didn't really want to start anything, but he won me over!

    Warning No formatter is installed for the format bbhtml
  • DD2 is 5 weeks old and I need time to slow down!  She's about 10.5 pounds, which is fantastic (DD1 had much difficulty gaining), but yikes, she's growing too quickly. :)

    QOTW:  We met in college in Oct. 1993, started dating in Dec. 1998, and got married in Oct. 2005. :)

    Pregnant with #1 with PCOS and LPD, success with mostly naturopathic treatments
    Our Thanksgiving Day baby 11/22/07


    Pregnant with #2 with LPD, uterine polyp/hysteroscopy, DOR (AMH = 0.17), 2 c/ps
    Our early Christmas present 12/9/10
  • Just got a BFP yesterday.  Calling Dr this morning for bloodwork.  Come on sticky baby!  I guess I'd be due in September?  I'll update with more information. 

    Hope to see more of you on the tri boards soon.

    Warning No formatter is installed for the format bbhtml
  • Update:  We're taking a break from treatment, but still TTC on our own.  

    QOTW:  We met while out with friends.  Started dating in 1998 and married in 2004.

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