I'm usually a lurker, so I hope you'll forgive me just barging in here with a question...
After 5 losses, almost a year of trying again, and a lot of heartbreak, we recently decided to give up TTC another child. IVF and adoption are sadly not economically feasible (I would have to go back to work, and we are firmly committed to me being a sahm until our girl is in school full time). I was doing my best to be happy with what we have and to give up on the dream of another child. And THEN...I read something about embryo donation and honestly thought it might be the answer for us. My heart is pounding.
There is so much info out there and I am overwhelmed. Has anyone researched it or pursued it? I would love to hear your experiences...
Thank you.
Re: Embryo donation/adoption?
I have/am researching it along with DE and adoption.
Depending on the agency you use, you may have to do all the prep work that you would have to do for adoption. From what I can see it costs about the same as a domestic private adoption (not to dash your hopes...) I am still in the process of researching it all. I found a couple of agencies on line. Let me know if you find something different.
Thanks so much for your response. I found an RE group really near me that seems to have a great program. The prices listed seem really reasonable, but of course I would have to find out if there are any non-medical expenses involved.
I am looking forward to telling DH about the possibilities and maybe setting up a consult!
Here's a link to the program I found. The cost seems really reasonable, and they have a guarantee/refund program too.
My Dr practiced in California and said it was one of the more expensive states for IVF so I would definitely shop around. Make sure you check into the guarantee/ refund programs. I was 39 when we started and I was too old to qualify. I really hope you find a great program!
Max age for this guarantee program is 54 - finally something I'm not too old for! It appears in California this type of program is not considered an actual adoption, so the only expenses are medical (per my research, still have to confirm with an expert).
Cost is way less than for "normal" IVF because someone else has already gone through retrieval and fertilization and all that is left is transfer.
By some stroke of luck, I actually have some IF insurance coverage - just have to see if something like this would be at least partially covered.
Oh, wow, that is great news. I thought they had fertilized eggs just hanging around for donation but my Dr said you have to pick a donor from a book just like adoption. My RE office actually has a partner in Houston they work with because in Louisiana they don't allow egg donation. Good luck!