Cloth Diapering

Charlie Banana

I am fairly new to cloth diaper, have been using medium FuzziBunz and they are working great for us, husband and sitter both on board with the cloth diapering!

I was looking to add more diapers to our stash and came across Charlie Banana's on Amazon last night. Does anyone have any experience with these? Are they similar to the FLIP diaper?


Re: Charlie Banana

  • I haven't used these, but I figured I'd let you know that they are on sale at BRU right now!
  • From what I've heard, they are almost exactly like the FB OS.  The owner used to work for FB then started her own company.  There was a bunch of drama about it between the two owners because the FB owner claimed the CB owner stole all her ideas.
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  • Yea, the owner of FB is a little combative about her diapers sometimes. I've heard of other stories where she accused people of stealing her ideas. Really lady, there are only so many shapes a diaper can come in. She did eventually write a letter of apology to the CB lady.

    Anyway, I love our CB diapers. They come with a microfiber insert that is one of my favorites. They are similar to FB in that they use an adjustable leg elastic instead of snaps to adjust the rise of the diaper. They have a rounded wing and the crossover snaps. The pocket loads in the front, which I prefer when dealing with poopy diapers.

    They are not similar to FLIP diapers. These have a pocket that the insert goes in. With FLIP diapers, the insert lays on the cover and tucks at the ends.

  • Thank you! Off to order some... :)
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