Dd is almost 3 y/o and I still don't know what to call her eye color. Mine are clearly brown, ds's are brown, dh's are quite blue.
Her's are brown in the center right around the pupil, and a gray-blue on the outside.
Hazel would be green/brown, right? So what the heck is brown/blue?
ETA: Neither the blue or the brown is dominant- I'd say they're half and half.
Re: Dumb question about eye color.
DD #2 - 03.13
I just answered my own question: she has what is called central heterochromia. Her eyes look just like this:
DD #2 - 03.13
I would call them gorgeous!. I fall under the hazel category, I have one green eye, and the other is half green and half brown.
Oh and both DH and DD has brown eyes, and the boys have a grayish blue eye color depending on the day.
DD's eyes are like this - except her blue is a little more grey.
It's weird because me, husband, and DS have brown eyes and the only blue eyes that I know in my family (DH is adopted) are my uncle and his kids/grandkids - so, her blue eyes are a bit random.
We say she has blue eyes, but it's not entirely accurate.
Hazel pretty much covers the mixes.
DS has similar eyes, and it took forever for them to settle on the current color. They are grey around the edge with brown and green near the pupil.
DS - December 2006
DD - December 2008
My DS has one eye with a Heterochromia. Not quite as pronounced as this picture. He has beautiful grean/blue eyes with a golden brown spot in his left eye. Very cool looking. I never knew there were so many variations until we asked the pedi about the spot in his eye.
Good to know. This is exactly how DS's eyes look. Here's a pic of him at 6 months, but they're still pretty much the same if a tiny bit darker.
And him now:
It's hard to see in pics, but there's a ring of brown around his pupil and then he has grey outside of that. Sometimes the grey looks blue depending on the lighting and his clothes and once in a while greenish, but mostly it's just grey.
Not a dumb question at all. I still don't know really what color to call either DS's eyes or DD's. DS's are mostly green, but have brown in them too, so I referred to them as hazel, but DH calls them green. DD's are the blue, grey, and barely brown mix. DH has blue, and mine are most definitely hazel to green. DD is only 2, so I am not sure if hers will continue to change or not.
Ask DS and he will say his eyes are "just like daddy's. See mom, they're blue!"