How sick can you be and still effectively take care of your child alone? H has the croup (yuck) and gave me some sort of virus. He's still croupy-sounding, but now I just checked my temp and it's 103; however, I took some Tylenol so it should go down a bit. I'm not feeling light-headed or anything, but I just don't know! What do you think?
Re: Mama-Sick question...
Bless your heart! I hope y'all get to feeling better ASAP!
Mason and I both caught the horrible 72-Hr stomach bug around February last year. Without going into too much, it affected both ends without much mercy and dehydration was a major concern. It was a nightmare but thankfully the very worst of it was only 1.5 days.
It's going to be your call though. I had no other choice but to handle it alone {this was when I was a single mom} because we couldn't even make it to the Dr's office in that condition and I didn't want to ask my neighbors to help because then they'd catch it. I suppose the blessing in us both being sick was that he wasn't super-active and wanting Mommy to play with him. He just wanted cuddle time and to be held so I indulged him as much as physically possible at the time.
But if you feel like you're unable to care for him, then definitely ask for help!
The Baby Blog.