Baby Names


We are expecting another baby in July. We don't know the sex yet, but hubby and I were throwing a few names out there. When DD came we were first told it was a boy. We decided on Ethan at that time. So now, my husband has assumed we're having a boy (willing for us to have a boy, he said he 'can't handle having another girl' lol). So naturally, he said 'well we have the name'. The more I think about it, the more I find things wrong with it. The biggest thing being that our last name starts with an E and ends with an M. So it would be Ethan EXXXM and it sounds very... um, just odd I guess. I don't like it. We were always saying it with the middle name we picked out before so it didn't sound weird. Then this time I started just saying the first and last name. Not liking it.

We threw some names around and neither of us liked what the other was picking out. Then he came up with Bentley. I love that name, but I hate that one of the 'teen mom's' has that name. I don't want to be a copy cat. Do you think it' s copy cat-ish or is that an okay name?

If you like the name Bentley, do you have any good middle names? We really wanted Lorein. It's DH's grandfathers name. He died before he was born and it would make his mom cry for us to use it. (In a good way). Bentley Lorein just sounds funny though don't you think?

Thirdly, if you don't like Bentley, do you have any first name suggestions to go with the middle name Lorein?

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