Cloth Diapering

funny DH

So ds has a rash (that I posted about yesterday) and so we went to the pedi today to get it looked at. He said he didn't think it was yeast but we could still treat it with yeast cream just in case. Well so we could use the cream I had to go and buy sposies Crying and tonight when DH got home he went change ds diaper and he grabs the sposie undresses him and looks at me all confused and says "how the heck do you put these things on? Which way's the front??" I couldn't help but laugh because all he knows is cd and I love that!
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Re: funny DH

  • imageesipp000:
    So ds has a rash (that I posted about yesterday) and so we went to the pedi today to get it looked at. He said he didn't think it was yeast but we could still treat it with yeast cream just in case. Well so we could use the cream I had to go and buy sposies Crying and tonight when DH got home he went change ds diaper and he grabs the sposie undresses him and looks at me all confused and says "how the heck do you put these things on? Which way's the front??" I couldn't help but laugh because all he knows is cd and I love that!

    hahah too cuute! :)

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  • My DH did the same thing when we had to do sposies.  He could not figure the thing out and was weirded out about putting "paper" on her.
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