February 2011 Moms

Mucus Plug! *TMI*

So, I have been feeling a little different within the past week or 2..... Im currently 34 weeks and 4 days. (Due date- Feb 20th)

Last night, I noticed that my discharge was a little heavier then normal. Went to bed, woke up, used the restroom this morning.. and when I wiped, MUCUS PLUG! It wasnt bloody... Clear with pink and brown streaks...

 Called OB. Had an apt at 1:30Pm. Was told I had lost part of my plug, but that there was still plenty in there, and alot of it even came out during my exam. (Way more bloody and brown then this morning...)

Dr checked cervix... Im 1/2 centimeter dialated, and 50% effaced.

I already had an appointment and sonogram scheduled for monday, because my belly is measuring way ahead of schedule (Showing full term)

Augh! Praying my baby boy decides to bake for at least another 2 weeks! I want his little lungs to be perfect!

 Anyone else out there dialted and/or effaced? Lossing of mucus plug?


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Re: Mucus Plug! *TMI*

  • Well... yes there are a few of us actually.

    I was dilated to 1cm at 29 weeks and when I went in at 32 weeks, I was 2cm and a few days before the appointment, I lost my mp.

    It is actually common to lose some of it and it regenerate and lose it again toward the end of your pregnancy. A lot of women walk around dilated to 4cm for weeks before they deliver.

    I think you are right on track...

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  • So happy to hear this.

    Every single woman I have talked too has said that they went into labor with in the week of lossing thier MP.


    Thank you!

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  • I lost my mucus plug on 12/27 and am not due until 2/16.  My OB wasn't concerned.  Plus our little angel is still laying sideways.  I'm not sure that losing it necessarily means anything at all as they can re-generate.
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