Nevada Babies

Lack of Insurance?

Hi, all! This is my first thread, and it sucks that it has to be such a serious one. Well, here goes.


So, I'm without insurance right now (mostly for lack of qualifying), but I am going to the medicaid office as soon as possible to get that ball rolling. In the meantime, I can pretty easily pay out of pocket for prenatal care until medicaid begins to go through.


Anyone else in this situation? OB recommendations? Know any OB whose rate is low for the uninsured? TIA 

Re: Lack of Insurance?

  • Hey mama! So I was kinda in the same boat. I did not have insurance when I found out I was pregnant. My last pregnancy I did do the medicaid thing but this time my husband got a promotion so we did not qualify because he makes too much. I found a company on line that gave me insurance while I am already pregnant so thats great. I have to pay $279 a month but it has been working out just great. My co pay when I go to the doctors is $30 and then I just signed a contract with OB for the labor and delivery fees for doctor. My insurance is going to pay $3500 and I only have to pay $400. Which is great too. Medicaid is always great to have but if for some reason you can't get it I know now there are other options....congrats on your pregnancy!
  • Thanks so much! Just in case Medicaid doesn't work out, what's the name of the company you go through?
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  • I signed up online with a company called first preferred, but the actual insurance is through a company called American Medical and Life Insurance. Lemme know if Medicaid doesn't work out and I will look up the number for you. Hope all is well. Talk to you soon!



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