
Tell me about your DC's if they are 32 months apart?

what are the challenges you face?

what is the hardest part?

what are your favorite things about it?

Re: Tell me about your DC's if they are 32 months apart?

  • Okay, so I'm not even a week in, but my DD's are 30 months apart.  So far DD#1 has far exceeded any expectations I've had for her accepting her new sister.  She absolutely adores her (so far).  I'm not sure when jealousy might peak but so far so good.

    Everyone we've talked to when we tell them we have a newborn and 2.5 year old says we'll have our hands full, but DD#1 is old enough to understand that she has a little sister while not being totally hung up on being the only child.

    Their ped said 2.5 years is a good spacing...

    Good luck!
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  • Mine are close - 33 months apart.  Overall I feel like it's really nice spacing.  DS is old enough to be independent and less needy, and capable of understanding that sometimes he has to wait because I have to do something with the baby. Of course that doesn't always mean he likes waiting or is patient about it LOL!  but it's nice that he at least has good verbal skills to discuss things like that.

    And as they get older, I feel like it will perfect - close enough to play together but enough space to help cut down on rivalry. (My own experience growing up with 2 year spacing, that can make for some really intense rivalry, especially with same gender siblings, so I wanted more than that in case we had same gender.)

    One hard part for us is that potty training and having an infant can be hard, but DS just wasn't ready for potty training before DD was born, and I didn't want to push him before he was ready, especially with the possibility that he'd regress after the baby.

    It's also nice that he was well adjusted to sleeping in a regular bed so there was no need for another crib (or other major baby gear - the only major thing we got was a sit & stand stroller.)

    I'd say the hardest part is that what we heard from many friends about 3 being harder than 2 is true - 3 is very challenging from a discipline point of view, and that's even more challenging with a baby to take care of becaue we are tired and our patience gets worn pretty thin.  The other hard part is that we had gotten to the point where life was really pretty easy with just DS as far as getting out of the house and doing things we liked.  It's a little bit tough to go back to the baby phase of naps and frequent feeding and all of that.  And just getting out of the house feels like a pain - getting all the gear together, both kids ready and clean and all that. It seems like as soon as one is ready, the other one poops!

    I have to say a saving grace for us is that DS hit a major Daddy phase towards the end of my pregnancy, and we really encouraged that. It really made life easier with a new baby because he had already gotten used to Daddy doing bath, putting him to bed, taking him to the park, etc.  If your older child is not already showing a preference for that, try to encourage it with Daddy doing fun things.

    I think there are pros and cons with every spacing, but for us, this really feels perfect for our family.  I'm very happy with the way things worked out. 
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  • CONGRATS!!  I saw your BFP post waaaaay after the fact...what did your DH say?
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