I really never use it. I usually change S on the floor, couch or bed. I am thinking of having DH disassemble the changing table and put it into storage.
do you still use yours and how old is your DC?
Sisterly love--Sophia (1/14/07) and Baby Margaux (7/13/10)

Doctor in training!

Re: when did you stop using the changing table?
when we are downstairs we just change him on the couch with a changing pad under his butt.
Our baby Girl Lillian Mary-Ellen born 5-19-10 at 12:59pm weighing 8lbs 4oz 19in!
Baby #3 on it's way due March 15th, 2012!
I only use it for drying her off and putting on lotion after baths.
She moves too much for diaper changes there, so besides baths, its mostly just for shelving since we don't have many drawers in her room.
i never changed anywhere else...so until potty trained.
I like having everything right there and not having to drag it whereever I want to change.
We use the one in J's bathroom everyday, in the morning and at night. In between if we're upstairs during the day.
The other "changing table" is a changing pad on our dining room table (we eat in the kitchen, btw), and we use that with both kids.
Me with my littlest.
Ours is on his dresser as well. It's the only place we change him (we have a one story). I'll probably use it until he's potty trained. He's already too long but it still works great.
Liam is 5!
Christian Alexander - 11/13/06
Amelia Rose & Owen Thomas - 3/29/11