
Second PG vs First

How was your second pg different from your first.  I heard you start to show sooner and you start to feel sick sooner.  I am already starving and thirsty all of the time, and today was the day my period was due!  TIA
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Max born July 25


Big sisters Alex and Layla


Re: Second PG vs First

  • I felt sicker for longer this time (like random nausea) but have been overall in better health, had an easier pregnancy, stayed more active and been less emotional than I was the first time.  DS was 6 days late though and apparently, this little girl is trying to outlast her brother.  So much for second babies coming sooner! :P


  • I wasnt sick sooner or longer than with #1.  My siatic nerve pain started really early, about 9 weeks.  With DS I dont think it bothered me till late in the 2nd trimester.

    Besides that it has been the same so far.

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  • Congratulations!  I am only 10 weeks and definitely have a small bump.  You'd probably just think beer belly if you didn't know me, but for those who do know me it is definitely a baby bump.  I have been a lot sicker this time around too.  I am not really more hungry, but I think that is because of how sick I have been. 
  • Congrats! I showed 4wks sooner. No m/s either time; although less nauseous with DS ( i only got nauseous with DD in the shower) Less weight gain the second time More tired the second time; didn't exercise as much Charlie horse both time less so with DD swelling mostly with DD same HRs for both no stretch marks the first time; got 2 the second (and he was smaller) smaller baby the second time easier delivery the second time I had a butt bone pain really bad the second time and it started in the 1st tri

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  • I am 5 weeks today and so far, the pregnancies and symptoms are the same.  Same level of fatigue, no nausea, same sore chest....only this time I feel like I'm less focused on the symptoms because I have a 2 year old to entertain!  On the flip side, I feel like I am SOOOO much more excited about this pregnancy that the first time around - I guess because this time I have less questions and more understanding of what it's like to love a child!  (Cheeseball, but true!)  :-)
  • Oh - and definitely more bloating the 2nd time around.  It's sooo much harder to hide.  Work is already gossiping.
  • I was feeling nauseous a lot more and sooner with DS2. I started showing sooner. I was a lot more tired than first time (could be also because I did not have the luxury to rest when I wanted to in the evenings)
  • I did show sooner, and felt sicker A LOT longer with this one than I did with my first.  The sickness started the same week (week 7) for me with both.

    But, overall I feel better with this one than I did with my first.  It could be though that I knew what was coming.  That, and I don't have to be sitting in an office all day this time either.  Running after a toddler is harder, but I think it's been better for my mind and body!

  • So far I have felt sicker and more tired this time. Less bloated, more baby belly. I kind of want to just sleep ALL the time this time. It sucks. Sorry-bad day ;)
  • I started feeling sick much earlier this time around. I feel much sicker this time around and very, very tired. I am so bloated this time around, that at 6wks 5 days I look much different than I did a couple weeks ago. Ugh.
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