Two Under 2

Need your recs!!

I don't necessarily "belong" over here but it seems like EVERYONE comes to this board for stroller recs.  I'm SO sorry and I'm sure you're all sick of answering the questions but it's always such good info!!  At any rate I hope you'll forgive me (?) and humor me.  I've gone back and forth on strollers for twins again and again and I'm officially driving myself (and my DH) insane.  I had set my sights on the BJ City Mini thinking I'd just suck up the cost and that it seemed to be the most raved about SBS without getting into the 600$ range.  But now I'm questioning whether it's really worth it... I'm on the Maclaren Techno vs. the Combi Twin Sport vs. (still) the City Mini.  My uses would be everyday stuff- I'm not a jogger, the walking I'd do with it is more than likely going to be on a sidewalk/path (with occasional grassy area but not much), and shopping usage.  Any advice/comments/recs?  If I go with the Maclaren or the Combi it would mainly be to save some money.  I know if I really wanted the City Mini bad enough DH would make it work .. but money IS tight and I'll be out of work soon so I'm trying to make it as financially manageable as possible for us.  I guess my other thought is that we were hoping to use our 20% off coupon to buy the stroller at BBB and the BJ is restricted ... so it made me start to rethink.  Sorry this turned out to be so long- just knew the more info I provided the better it'd be!  Thanks so much in advance!!

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Re: Need your recs!!

  • I'm still pregnant with #2, but I can offer my opinion.

    I'd go with something that can be used with your infant carseats. Especially with twins it's likely that you will be able to use your infant carseats for several months. With only one baby it's much, much easier to just snap them into the stroller without removing them from the seat. I imagine this would be that much more helpful when you're juggling two LOs. 

    I have a friend who has a Combi double. Last I heard she likes it, but she had to buy a Combi infant carseat (she already had a Graco, so that was a waste). The Combi isn't as compatible as a Graco with swing frames, snap 'n gos, other strollers, etc.

    I have a Baby Jogger City Mini single. We will be getting the Baby Jogger City Mini double. We love our single enough to justify spending the money on a double. FWIW I think our BJCM single saved us money because we didn't get a snap 'n go,  travel system, or umbrella stroller. The BJCM covered all of our needs.

    Make sure you consistently look online for BJCM sales.

    Lilypie First Birthday tickers Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
  • I've heard good things about the Graco Quattro Duo. It takes 2 seats at the same time. I'm going to use our Baby Trend Sit n stand double, but the back seat doesn't accomadate a 2nd infant seat. The Graco is reasonable price-wise. The only thing I didn't like in the store about it was that it was a tad on the heavy side.
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