So we had our first post-solids diaper yesterday. It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be! But... how in the world do you scrape the solids into the toilet? I used wipes, but ended up using so many that I might as well have used a disposable diaper. What do you use to get the solids off?
Re: Started solids... yikes! How do you scrape them off?
The Bee Hive Blog
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Two words: diaper sprayer
It's a lifesaver!
Do you use liners with every diaper? My LO only poops every couple days.
Sorry - I haven't been on in awhile. LO poops once, sometimes twice a day - so yes, every diaper. But, I've noticed when we use the Rumparooz without a liner she does not have any redness whatsoever, with the GroVia + liner, there's a little redness. I just bought a poop sprayer a few weeks ago so I've been using that as well. I think I'm going to stop with the liners for a while as I think that is what's irritating her skin.