I am scheduled the 17th for a hysteroscopy and I feel like I am taking a shot in the dark. I only have my right tube d/t a salpingectomy last year and tons of adhesions and scar tissue.
My HSG showed an occluded right tube so we scheduled this procedure in hopes of defining the occlusion and possibly clearing it out. BUT- when I sat down with her (we have become friends through all this) and asked her honest opinion, she told me that she thinks we will end up moving on to IVF.
This wouldnt be such an issue except that with Capital Blue Cross, we will be completely OOP. Do any of you ladies have experience with Cap Blue Cross and IVF? Sorry so long, I am just nervous
Re: hysteroscopy scheduled for the 17th...
Sorry I don't have experience with that insurance.
But I hope the hysteroscopy gives you the info you need!