help me get him engaged!!!!

Doc is totally on board w/ me having a VBAC since 1st son was V....twins were c/s due to transverse positioning....

this baby is head down but SOOOOOOOOOOOOo high up and nowhere near engaged...

anyone know of any tips or tricks I can get to get him to engage his chunky monkey head?

Doc doesn't feel comfortable doing an induction b/c of previous c/s

Re: help me get him engaged!!!!

  • You're only 36 weeks according to your ticker, and non-FTMs frequently don't have their babies drop until just before or during labor, so I don't think you need to do anything at all but wait. Is there any particular reason you're concerned? Does your doc think this is a bad thing?
  • my doctor is worried that he is SOOOO high still. She said it's not a good sign that he will engage in time....I have some extra fluid so he is using that to bounce around a lot...
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  • I'm sorry but I think your doc is a worrywart!  Some babies don't engage until right before birth.  If I were you I'd focus on relaxing and staying calm so that things can happen in their own time.  Good luck!
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  • Also, since this isn't your first baby, you may not "engage"/descend until the pushing phase of labor!!

    I've seen in MANY times over!! I think (with your hx), you'll do great!

    High-risk L&D nurse...If in doubt, go to triage!

    Trevor Calvin 12.10.07 7:26pm 7lbs2.5oz 19.75in

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    Emerson Claire 07.07.11 11:34am 7lbs7oz 20.5 in

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  • I agree- usually only first babies engage way ahead of time.  Some babies don't engage until the end of labor.

    FWIW, I was induced with pitocin for my VBAC and it was successful.

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