
BFF just had her baby. What should I bring her?

She is home now and had a c/s. What should I bring her?

I was thinking a bottle of Gripe Water for the baby and what else? Food?

Re: BFF just had her baby. What should I bring her?

  • Food is always welcome.  Something that can just be thrown in the oven when she doesn't have the effort or help for anything else. 

    You could also bring her some magazines, some lotion/bath gel, some fuzzy socks, or anything that you know she likes to feel cozy. 

    I am sure she will just be happy to see you, and be appreciative of your gesture, whatever you decide.
  • Food or GC for restaurants in her area.

    And do some laundry while you're there!



    Me with my littlest.
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