RE: post below on natural c-section..

I have found the article refreshing. For someone that has had 2 c-sections and having to swallow the fact that this one might be as well...I think this option is right up my alley.

Still have the c-section but the baby's delivery is slowed down, drape is lowered so the mom and dad can watch the delivery of the head, When the head is out and parents can see their child being born the contractions of the uterus help the baby expel fluid in the lungs (like that of a vaginal birth) and the rest of the baby is brought out. Instead of the LO going to the warmer for vitals, cleaning up, etc the baby is placed on mom's chest.

These minor details are what I feel I truly missed out on. For my c-sections I felt that I was 'in the way' with my questions, worrisome looking around the room for my baby, and the OB seemed put off that I was asking about things or interrupting her as she worked. I was not a part of my baby's birth, I was merely a carrier and felt, well, expendable. If I felt that way then how many other mothers do as well?

I think these OB's in the UK and Australia are brilliant. Thank you for coming up with a way to humanize our experience and still make us apart of it vs just a vessel that brought the baby to the OR.

Now if I can get my OB on board for this then I'm all set.

Re: RE: post below on natural c-section..

  • Good luck! I'd love to hear about OBs receptive to these ideas. :)
  • I'm in the same boat as you.

     I've been given a TOL until 41 weeks at a very supportive obgyn/midwife group. Since I've been pregnant they've even had a couple successful VBA2C, although most choose to c/s.  They do lots of VBACs.

     While I'm doing everything I can to avoid another c/s (doula, acupressure, acupuncture, RRLT, EPO at 36 weeks, exercise, etc), I know it's probably in the cards for me, despite the fact that I'm 100% an unnecesarean mommy for both my prior pregnancies.

     The natural c/s birth process doesn't really appeal to me though.  Unless my practice was already doing it, and had some experience with it, I probably wouldn't choose it. Instead I'm learning more about my options of what I can have prior to c/s, and after baby's birthed in c/s. I had no idea that if the baby's first apgar check was 8-9 or above, they didn't need to continue to monitor him/her.  So my first choice will be to see baby before he/she is cleaned up and to have skin to skin during the stitching phase.  I'm also having the epidural/spinal placed outside of the OR (hate walking in w/lights and equipment), music played, etc.

     I wonder if the natural c/s will become used more frequently in the states especially with such high rates of scheduled c/s.



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