Hi ladies. Lurker coming out...
After a year of fertility treatments, we found out this week we've conceived triplets with the help of gonalf (just two follicles, on the small side when we triggered). We had three heartbeats and embryos (fetusus? Not sure...6w4d this past Monday) measuring on track (a bit small, but RE said within 5 days is OK at this point). We go back next week, and if all still look good, we'll be referred to a peri to discuss our risk factors, options, pregnancy (the works, standard procedure at our clinic to offer a MFM consult before release, which we plan to do).
Needless to say, I've been all over google for 10 days now since we saw 3 sacs. I've ordered Dr. Luke's book too. But anyone have any resources? At this point, which I don't know how we'd afford 3 babies, my biggest fear is everyone surviving pregnacy and being healthy. I am terrified of a late term miscarriage.
I'm 30 and 5'7" if that matters. Two early losses (c/p and blighted ovum). The three all have their own sacs and placenta.
Thank you in advance. I am hoping I get to stick around here. Love all the babies
Re: triplet moms
congrats and welcome! i think what you've done so far, ordering the Dr Luke book, is enough. just try to relax and take it easy for a while. you have plenty of time to worry about money and minivans and three cribs and triple strollers.
really, having triplets is amazing, and you'll be part of an incredible community.
How to tell my boys apart
The different types of twins and triplets
Jack, Sydney and Carynne, Annaleigh, JW, Eden...forever in our hearts.
My blog * We made the national news!
Congrats!!! I was terrified at first also, i think we all are, especially, like you said, worrying over everyone's health thru the duration of the pregnancy. Relax, dont worry about money and baby gear, everything has a way of working itself out. I also had 3 sacs and 3 separate placentas which is a good thing for those babies. i also had a c/p after 2 1/2 years of trying and i'm 32 @ 5'6.
i got the swine flu at 10wks, was hospitalized, then started to bleed and thought it was all over, but these babies hung in there. Our bodies are stronger than we think. Special people are chosen to carry multiples and it is an honor! enjoy every minute, even the rough ones, cause it flies!!!!!
Steal my kids picture or pretend they are yours, I will find where you live and ship all of their dirty diapers to your doorstep. Promise.