This may be flameworthy...
I think I am officially more jealous of IFs who get a BFP on their 1st IVF w/ twins than fertiles who get pg at the drop of a hat. Somehow I just don't even see myself as the same species as a fertile anymore, I think that's why.
TTC in 2008. Stage II/III endo, Hashimotos hypothyroid, low morph (3%).
2 cycles Clomid/Ovidrel/TI/Crinone=BFN.
IUI #1 - 4 Follistim/Ovidrel/IUI/Crinone = BFN.
IVF #1 - Antagonist w/ ICSI 4/10. 17 retrieved, 5DT of 2, BFN
IVF #2 - Long Lupron w/ ICSI 6/10. 15 retrieved, 3DT of 2, BFFN!!
Lap 7/21/10
IVF #3 - Clomid/Antagonist w/ ICSI 10/10. 14 retreived, 3DT of 3, BFP 10/20 but m/c. No HB 11/15/10 - D&C 11/17/10.
FET - 2 blasts, 1 survived the thaw. Transfer 2/19. Beta #1 3/1 375, Beta #2 3/3 885, Beta #3 3/8 4261, Beta #4 3/11 9005. U/S 3/8 1 sac 1 yolk, U/S 3/16 1 heartbeat 114bpm!
James born Oct. 24th 2011 via c-section at 38 weeks!
Surprise BFP - Jack born April 28, 2013 via VBAC after PTL at 33 1/2 weeks!
Re: Confession
I don' think it's flame worthy-at least not by me! I understand. It's almost like you are an Infertile Infertile.
It becomes even worse at points for me-why did IVF work for them and not for me? What did I do to deserve *this*?
Not flame worthy by me....this is how you feel. I feel the same way sometimes, just like SLP, I wonder why things work for others and not for me, etc...
7 IUIs = All BFNs
2011: March IVF #1.2 = e/p @ 6w: May IVF #2 = BFN: July sFET #1 = BFN
2012: Jan We're Certified FC/A Parents
May IVF #3 = c/p
June-Nov Foster Mommy to M (Toddler)
July FET #2 = BFN
Aug FET #3 = BFN
Sept-Nov Foster Mommy to Baby Bella (Newborn)
Nov HSG/Sono = Clear!
Dec FET #4 = BFN
2013: Feb FET #5 = m/c @ 6.5w
May-July Foster Mom to H (8 yr old girl)
June/July/Aug IVF #4 = Freeze All
July = Unofficially Adopting T (10 yr old boy)
Sept FET #6 = TBD
**PAIF/SAIF Welcome**
TI, IUIs, IVF = c/ps and BFNs
That is SO SAD and pathetic but yes I guess this is how I feel.
Also - if my first IVF had worked I'd have a baby right now. I am like a different person than I was back then - I am so much more jaded and miserable and I guess, depressed.
TTC in 2008. Stage II/III endo, Hashimotos hypothyroid, low morph (3%).
2 cycles Clomid/Ovidrel/TI/Crinone=BFN.
IUI #1 - 4 Follistim/Ovidrel/IUI/Crinone = BFN.
IVF #1 - Antagonist w/ ICSI 4/10. 17 retrieved, 5DT of 2, BFN
IVF #2 - Long Lupron w/ ICSI 6/10. 15 retrieved, 3DT of 2, BFFN!!
Lap 7/21/10
IVF #3 - Clomid/Antagonist w/ ICSI 10/10. 14 retreived, 3DT of 3, BFP 10/20 but m/c. No HB 11/15/10 - D&C 11/17/10.
FET - 2 blasts, 1 survived the thaw. Transfer 2/19. Beta #1 3/1 375, Beta #2 3/3 885, Beta #3 3/8 4261, Beta #4 3/11 9005. U/S 3/8 1 sac 1 yolk, U/S 3/16 1 heartbeat 114bpm!
James born Oct. 24th 2011 via c-section at 38 weeks!
Surprise BFP - Jack born April 28, 2013 via VBAC after PTL at 33 1/2 weeks!
I'm with you! That's why I like the "advanced TTC" group! I didn't want to join (mainly b/c I was in denial that I belonged there), but now I find myself only reading the post from those ladies. I don't mean to be "unhelpful" to the others, but its tough to see people get pg after 1 IVF (or even IUI) when I feel like I've been through the ringer. I'm even more jealous of the twins because we want 2 children and are now accepting the fact that we may only have 1 (and that we may not have a bio link to that child)....Maybe things will get better over time and I can be more of a cheerleader!
I'm also struggling when I see others with PCOS get pg with just a little help (since that's still our only "official" diagnosis). It seems like I'm the only one who has trouble getting/staying pregnant with it. Even my REs have said I should have "no trouble getting pregnant with IVF" since PCOS is easy to treat...Guess I"m proof that its not....
I totally get this. I don't sweat fertiles, unless they are mean.
I go back and forth on twins. Part of me would DIE for them and the other thinks it's too much and most ppl have no idea what they are getting themselves into. I also love it when ppl are "surprised" when they end up with twins when they transfer multiple embies. Really?
5 REs + 3 surgical hysteroscopies for septum/lap + 3 failed IUIs
IVF w/ICSI/AH & acu = BFP!, unexplained spontaneous m/c @ 8w2d (our little girl),
FET w/acu = BFP!, B/G twins!, lost MP @19w, dx w/funneling cervix @20w,
twins nearly lost to IC @21w, saved by rescue cerclage, 17P & 16w of bedrest
Our twins born @36w4d via CS when A came foot first
Thankful for every day
Haha. "I can't believe it! It's twins! Can you believe it??!!!"
Um yeah...b/c you put two embryos back...
TTC in 2008. Stage II/III endo, Hashimotos hypothyroid, low morph (3%).
2 cycles Clomid/Ovidrel/TI/Crinone=BFN.
IUI #1 - 4 Follistim/Ovidrel/IUI/Crinone = BFN.
IVF #1 - Antagonist w/ ICSI 4/10. 17 retrieved, 5DT of 2, BFN
IVF #2 - Long Lupron w/ ICSI 6/10. 15 retrieved, 3DT of 2, BFFN!!
Lap 7/21/10
IVF #3 - Clomid/Antagonist w/ ICSI 10/10. 14 retreived, 3DT of 3, BFP 10/20 but m/c. No HB 11/15/10 - D&C 11/17/10.
FET - 2 blasts, 1 survived the thaw. Transfer 2/19. Beta #1 3/1 375, Beta #2 3/3 885, Beta #3 3/8 4261, Beta #4 3/11 9005. U/S 3/8 1 sac 1 yolk, U/S 3/16 1 heartbeat 114bpm!
James born Oct. 24th 2011 via c-section at 38 weeks!
Surprise BFP - Jack born April 28, 2013 via VBAC after PTL at 33 1/2 weeks!
I couldn't have said it better!!!!!
3 IUI's all BFN
IVF#1 BFN IVF#2 BFP, loss at 19 weeks FET#1 BFN IVF#3 BFP, m/c FET#2 BFN
Missing our twins Zachary and Madison, lost at 19 weeks on 11/13/09, edd 4/9/10
BFP 7/17/10, m/c 7/25/10, edd 3/25/11
Ectopic, lost left tube 4/20/11, edd 12/6/11
my blog
I hear you on this 100%.
No flames here.
Lately I really am feeling how the advance TTTC check in describes. I really do feel like the bottom 1% of the bottom 1%.
Even though I am happy for the IFers who have success, sometimes it is hard to see some make it look so easy when my body is making it so hard.
So true! Plus, I think other think IVF is so easy. I actually had a non-IFer ask me how I could possibly have so many failures because IVF is a "sure thing..."
(please ignore me - I'm cranky today)
Not flame worthy by me, infertile infertile sums it up nicely.
What drives me nuts is when someone appears out of nowhere, freaks out during their entire cycle, gets tons of info and support from the board, get's their BFP, and you never hear from them again.
I try to give someone the benefit of the doubt, but I'm trying to be more judicious with my posts.
Currently pg with our 1st after 6.5 yrs of IF (thank you IVF)
My IF/Everything Blog
There's No Crying in Baseball
***My posts are always SAIFW**
It just sucks...i remember i was rooting so badly for a girl i cycled with to get pg. Somtimes i felt more so than myself LOL. Bc i knew she could only afford to do one cycle. IF is such BS.
I'm right there with you! Sometimes I feel the same way! (
After 2+ years and multiple treatment cycles,
including an IVF vacation in Costa Rica/Panama,
IVF #2 brought us our miracle baby!
Surprise! Baby Boy is on the way!
I agree! That's why I stayed away from the board during IVF#2. I was on a break before and didn't contribute and didn't want to come by on every freak out! I also have a hard time when people worry about their betas and then their pregnancy is just fine - maybe its because I've never had a positive beta so I can't relate?!?!
I agree with you both. It seems like there have been so many people lately who've stopped by for their first cycle, gotten pregnant and ran off. Or maybe I'm just really bitter about everything and feel like once one person does it everyone does...
And I agree with the beta thing a TON...coming from someone who did have crappy betas and super low really just blows me away to worry when everything is going fine. I know it is scary and all that but..don't go looking for trouble where trouble isn't, kwim?
TI, IUIs, IVF = c/ps and BFNs
OMG-This-100%. It's just my own jealousy and all that but it bugs the crap out of me. I just wish it would work for me. Just once. I have been trying for 2 and a half years and I have never once gotten a positive pregnancy test. It starts to take its toll. Trying since 2008?! Come on uterus!!!
SAIF/PAIF Always Welcome!
TTC #1 May 2008
6 Rounds Clomid, 1 Round Femera-BFN
4 IUIs (1 Clomid, 1 Femara, 2 injectables)-BFN
February 2010-Laparoscopy
4 months of Lupron
August 2010-IUI #5-BFN
October 2010-IUI #6-BFN
IVF #1 November 2010-BFN
IVF #2 March 2011-BFN
Completely agree. Well put. BFPs for infertiles (especially from IVF#1) make me happy because we can understand their struggle but it stings when you're not in that group. Big hugs to you ladies who are so much further than my meager 2 IVFs.
Madelyn-I think we are twins seperated at birth
Early loss 10/08
Lap 1/09
IVF #1 "natural IVF" - 1 egg retrieved, missed m/c
Tried several mini-stim cycles with no response
Switched clinics - dx'd as carrier for Fragile X
IVF #2 MDL protocol Jan/Feb converted to IUI, BFN
IVF #2 take 2: Antagonist, one embie, BFN
IVF #3: Antagonist, no fertilization
One last ditch effort at OE IVF (antagonist with Clomid) cancelled
DE cycle #1 Jan/Feb 2011, BFP, ectopic
DE cycle #2 June/July 2011 - BFP
10/28/11 Baby girl lost at 17 weeks due to pre-term labor. We love and miss you.
DE cycle #3 June/July 2012 - BFP, twins, both heartbeats stopped, D&C
2 frosties but don't know what's next
FET Dec 2012: BFP! Praying this one sticks for the long haul!
I don't care if friendly faces freak out. We all do it, we all need to be talked down or get a hug. Friendly faces give as well as get. I suppose I feel jilted that I spend the time to dole out a bunch of information and that person can't be bothered to come back and help someone else out.
As for beta freak outs, I'm all for them i f someone is feeling them, but on PAIF, not here. It's like rubbing sh!t in people's face, complaining about a completely normal beta when someone else on the board is having a mc, cp, bfn, or otherwise crappy IF day.
Way to go Patchen for opening up thins conversation.
maybe so!
if that's the case, we should go on Maury and have a reunion show or something..I've always wanted a sister!
TI, IUIs, IVF = c/ps and BFNs
I am wondering if much of this is regarding my u/s post. I was scared and nervous and expecting bad news because that is all I have ever seen. I have not gotten any positive reports from a dr until this ivf. We have been off bcp for 7yrs and I NEVER got a bfp. I was "shocked" by twins because of my beta numbers. I don't see anyone on here that has twins with beta numbers as low as mine, and ones that did not double at first.
I found a lot of support on this board and I hope I gave it as well.
I really don't think so....u have def offered a ton of support to lots of the ladies here. AND u posted it on PAIF. I wonder the same stuff about myself too LOL.
I'm so happy all looked good.
Thank you. I know your appointment was tough. It is so hard when all you want is answers and they have none to give.
I think the thing that gets me the most (as many PP's have said ) is when on top of someone getting pg on their first IVF, they also used insurance coverage too and did not have to pay for it. I HATE that some of us do not have any IF coverage, and some do. It is like salt in the wound for those of us with no coverage.
A hardcore infert is how I usually refer to myself, but I like infertile infertile too.
Agreed on the beta freakouts when they are doubling just fine. I understand being nervous. We all will be after what we have gone through, but PAIF is the place for them, not here.
I can only speak for myself, but my comments were more "in general" and not related to any one person. Its hard on a public board because you never know what else is going on with others. I think for me, there were a number of people worried about betas right after I found out mine was negative (and it was the 15th time I heard "I'm sorry, but its negative")... I hope you have a great pregnancy!
Ok, I'll be honest and say that when I saw your post I was...hmmmm, don't really know the right word to use...but felt like "and of course she's having twins". I know you were worried, but your betas were in a good range (even though they didn't technically double they were right there), and you had no reason to think everything was just going to go totally wrong. And to read all your posts over the last few weeks about how you just knew it was going to be bad news, bad news, bad news, and then you get the best possible news stings. And betas don't give any indication of multiples.
But I am feeling this because I am bitter and sad about my own personal journey, and trying to be hopeful but am still scared and nervous about my upcoming cycle. So I am happy for you, but totally jealous that IVF #1 was a twin success for you.
After 2+ years and multiple treatment cycles,
including an IVF vacation in Costa Rica/Panama,
IVF #2 brought us our miracle baby!
Surprise! Baby Boy is on the way!
I'm sure it's hard to move on b/c of what IFers go through and also what we know can happen since being on this board, we unfortunately get to see all sorts of sad, hard, crappy things. But, I completely agree with the above.
It's so unclear as to when you move on to PAIF or continue to stay on IF. I'm not really sure when I would. After a positive second beta?
That was what i did...but now id prob wait till a hb? but then where do u ask about u/s? ur right....this is a tough call.