
A non-update on us ;)

I have not been too active on the board (not just this one, all of my "home" boards)

But, I realized that today was the 11th of the month, which means that Lil J has been with us for exactly 22 months now.  That is almost 2 years!  Wow, life goes by so fast.  

I uploaded a bunch of pics to a digital frame I got recently, and I can not believe how much he has grown since March '09.  He looks so much more mature, is so much taller, and his hair is FINALLY decent.  (*for those that don't remember, he had super thick, super gross 'cradle cap' type of dead skin on about 50+% of his head.  And because of that, his hair was very patchy.  AND, he was treated for lice when he was first put into care, and the little hair that he had was either cut badly or clipped badly.  So, to say he had bad hair was an understatement!)

His mom was missing for a while (2 months) and while she did resurface (with a message to my caseworker), no one really knows where she was or what she was doing those 2 months.

Lil J has not seen her since Oct 27, which was the last visit.  She has missed every visit since then.  Tomorrow is a scheduled visit - but our area is set to get hit with a big storm. 

So either:
1) it is considered a "State of Emergency" and therefore the CPS office is closed; or
2) mom does not call to confirm the visit; or
3) mom does call, but cancels due to the impending storm.

So, I really don't see the visit happening.

We have a "Case Management Review" court hearing next week.  Basically, they go over the details of the case, talk about what his mom has NOT been doing, what she HAS been doing (like bad things), and talks about Lil J's home life.

We finally have our original judge back, and she is a very no nonsense judge.  There is a possibility that she will schedule a termination trial as the next court date.  I heard a *rumor* that it could be around March/April.  I am not holding my breath.  But, since Mom has done NOTHING towards her plan, keeps getting in trouble, and misses tons of visits - it might be a good chance.

So - I just wanted to give a non-update update :)  I am just so busy with the kids, house stuff, that I don't have tons of time to get on-line. 


Re: A non-update on us ;)

  • I am  praying (still) that all of this works out the best for your family and Lil J!  I used to be very negative about BP whose kids end up in foster care.  I try to be a little more open minded  now because there are some BP who actually manage to get their act together and do what is right for their children. It does't sound like his BM is one of them.  I am praying for diligent caseworkers, great documentation of what is and isn't happening and a sensible judge!
    dd(Brianna) 11/01/94, ds(Bram)10/17/95, ds(Jesse)9/26/97, dd (Annie Ruth) 7/27/05 5mc Jan '08, May '08, Feb '09, Sept '09, Apr '11 "And can it be that in a world so full and busy, the loss of one weak creature makes a void in any heart, so wide and deep that nothing but the width and depth of vast eternity can fill it up." - Charles Dickens

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  • imagefredalina:
    How could you possibly be busy? You only went from one older kid to 4 in like 18 months. Puh-leeze!


    I know, right - should be a piece of cake LOL

    PS - love your sig pic

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  • I was going to e-mail you today and ask how things were going with Lil J's BM. I'm glad to hear she's at least OK.

    Good luck at the next court date.

  • I hope you get to officially adopt him very soon!
  • I'm glad to see your update.  Good luck next week.  Please update us on how the review pans out.
  • Oh the roller coaster, eh?

    I'll be praying that the best possible outcome happens for lil J and soon. I love reading your updates since my situation with Miss J is similar (but very different)

    (I did not bother to look, but do you have a blog?) 

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  • imagehoping4more:

    Oh the roller coaster, eh?

    I'll be praying that the best possible outcome happens for lil J and soon. I love reading your updates since my situation with Miss J is similar (but very different)

    (I did not bother to look, but do you have a blog?) 

    yes - I have a blog.  the link is in my sig - but it is it is an everything blog, not just fost/adopt stuff

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