This group is open to anyone who has already gone through donor egg/donor embryo/gestational carrier, is in the process of it, or plan on doing it in the future.
This check-in posted each Tuesday. If you?d like to be added to this group, please reply to this message, and I?ll make sure to add you for next week. Welcome to the lurkers! We know this can be a difficult journey, but we welcome you with open arms. Let us know if we can answer any questions.
ANNOUNCEMENT: BathingInBitter has started a PRIVATE Facebook group (meaning no one can see it in your feed, that you are a member, etc.) for the ladies from IF and SAIF who are using/have used donor egg/embryos or donor sperm. If you would like to join, please page BathingInBitter, Yellow_Daisy, Roselln2 or svp1537 and ask for an invite to the group. This might be a nice way to keep in touch in a more private setting and address issues that may arise down the road.
***** If you are a donor or interested in donating, we would be happy to answer questions. Please start a new post with ?Question for DE ladies? as the title. *****
Status Update: Where are you currently with the DE/DEmbryo/ GC process?
QOTD: Did you have any idea before starting to TTC that you might have difficulties or need DE/DEmbryo or GC?
Welcome to bluebabka and best wishes with your upcoming cycle!
Hugs to ashleyann82 ? I wish none of us had to make such difficult decisions. Good for you for resolving to take better care of your mental health. I think we all need to do that!
Thank you to BRSAugust20 and RachelD83 for all of your support and for keeping us updated on your little ones!
We have a lot of ladies cycling right now ? may2806, M&MBride0506, kdussault, hollymichael, hep01, jcath, erinandbrockv, ichoosehope, and PoeticJustice (OE) ? So exciting! Wishing you all the best!
Currently Cycling or on BCP?s
bluebabka ? Cycle being synched with donor?s, going in Wed. to get ET date, etc.
erinandbrockv ? Preparing for DE cycle using sister?s eggs, AMH and other blood work looks great, both on BCP?s, should be starting Lupron soon
hep01 ? BFP on 1st attempt with donor ? m/c, huge hugs, waiting for results of testing for blood clotting/flow issues (2 more weeks), started BCP?s, hoping for FET in mid-January
hollymichael ? Match complete! Cycling in January, on Lupron, ER estimated for 1/21, doing acupuncture, scheduled to start Delestrogen after suppression check last Wednesday
ichoosehope ? On BCP?s for DE cycle, ER and ET estimated for the first week in March
jcath ? Preparing for donor egg cycle with frozen egg bank, chose donor and back-up, started Lupron and had endo biopsy, ET anticipated for 1/24-1/26
kdussault ? Started Estrace, donor set to begin stims, ER/ET anticipated for the week of Jan 17!
M&MBride0506 ? Medicated cycle (Clomid) with sister, hoping for IUI this week
may2806 ? Confirmed donor, blood work all looks good, started Lupron on 12/18, donor starting stims on 1/2, ER mid-January
PoeticJustice (OE) ? Genetic testing/balanced translocation normal, working with a new RE, had hysteroscopy, on Lupron and finishing up BCP?s for IVF#2
Waiting to Cycle/Between Cycles
2linesn09 ? BFP w/GC but ended in miscarriage
ashleyann82 ? Cycling in February (shared cycle) - Chose a new donor after first one backed out
baze2 ? Pursuing DE, waiting for a donor
Hoodlum90 (OE) ? One more IVF with OE, if fails possibly using sister?s eggs
Imanurse03 ? First donor selected had higher FSH, most likely going with second donor recommended by RE and staff who has a great track record
ked1068 ? Adopting 6 frozen embryos, embryos now transferred to home clinic, aiming for FET in April
LaMoonie ? DE cycle was a BFN, possible blood flow resistance issue, have 4 frozen embryos, contemplating a FET possibly with GC (sister)
lenebene ? Second opinion appointment scheduled for the week after Christmas
MarriedaSportsNut ? BFP on first DE cycle but lost baby due to rare defect (Acrania), DE IVF #2 was c/p, 5 frozen embryos, FET of 2 embryos 12/17 was BFN, 2 frosties left, made an appointment for a second opinon, blogging about DE at Bud
MRSBELLALEE ? FET 10/26/09 = BFN, fresh DE cycle 4/10/10 = BFN, polyps removed in July, FET 9/10 = BFN, in contact with SIRM, NKC high but everything else normal, working with new RE in Maryland who recommended the Integrin B test
Oct14 ? DE IVF #1 = c/p, DE FET = BFN, looking into a consult with CCRM
RFBsbride ? Working on losing weight with DH, beginning donor search in December
shyntrue ? Just beginning the DE journey, waiting on a donor
snoangel79 ? Dx with POF, married in September, planning on moving forward with DE after the holidays, consult scheduled for 1/26 and hoping to cycle in early spring
vawad82 ? BFP on 1st attempt with donor ? m/c, huge hugs
Looking into Options
ACM1616 ? Looking into DE, but clinic requires it to be with a known donor, talking things over with her sister
ceemonkey ? High FSH on her side and sertoli-cell only syndrome on DH's side, considering OE vs. DE
Ginger71 ? Staring the DE process in the New Year, considering DE + DS, consult in January, looking into CNY
Hoping4more ? Cycle using sister as GC is probably on hold forever, now going to cycle with own eggs and is applying to foster/adopt
hurricaneh ? Taking break from the board, will do FET in the future
Jasmine19 ? Looking into donor egg due to heart rhythm condition
kekis ? Unresponsive to IVF meds, considering DE in the new year
Mel0569 ? Egg freezing program was a BFN, switched REs and had consult on 9/20
Mgoodr1 ? Hoping to use friend as a surrogate due to health issues
Militarywife2b ? Working toward foster/adoption, also still looking into IVF
Onedaychristinak ? Received treatment for pituitary tumor, dealing with numerous cancelled cycles due to poor lining, RE proposing 3 consecutive cycles like FET?s, actual FET likely in January, suggested D&C as a possibility, also looking into GC and adoption
Pseudonim ? Looking into being a surrogate for her SIL and BIL
Riderpunk ? Considering a surrogate, possibly SIL
Scatterbrainliz ? Moving onto adoption (Korea)
~*~Recent Successes~*~
BathingInBitter ? DE IVF #1 = BFN, surprise BFP!, beta #1 on 12/20 = 1,208, first u/s scheduled for 12/27
JM1977 ? DE IVF #1 = BFN, DE IVF #2 - ER on 12/10, eSET on day 5 (12/15), 2 embryos frozen, beta on 12/28 = 1,035, beta on 12/30 = 2,234, first u/s showed gestational sac and fetal pole
saratogabride08 ? DE IVF#1 cancelled, cycled again with the same donor with adjustments to the protocol, ET of 2 embryos on 12/18, first 2 betas looking good
SunMoon&Stars ? Cycling using frozen eggs, 5dt on 12/8, beta #1 on 12/17 = 74.8, beta # 2 = 439, first u/s on 1/7
Arb212 ? BFP on 1st attempt (boy/girl twins)! Babies born on 2/9/10!
Ashley ? BFP w/gestational carrier ? baby girl
AXLbaby ? BFP on 1st attempt (baby girl)!
BRSAugust20 ? BFP (singleton)! Joseph is here! Transitioning to solids and hopefully getting more and more sleep
Cat2 ? BFP on 1st attempt with donor! (singleton), J is slowly adjusting to his helmet and starting to eat solid foods
CharBart ? BFP on 1st attempt with donor! Twins! 2 boys! Small SCH, restricted to 8 hours work per day
Dansbride06 ? BFP (baby boy)! Tanner is here!
epphd ? BFP (baby boy)! Nubbin is here!
Floridakat (OE) ? twin girls!
Futuremom2b ? BFP (twin girls)! Born on 11/27/09!
GymDogFran ? Frozen egg program, twin girls!
HopeCounts ? BFP on FET (singleton)!
Iwannababy2010 ? BFP on 1st attempt with donor! Everything looked good on NT scan, now 20 weeks, team green!
Jenn-N-Jay ? BFP (singleton)!
Jhleap ? BFP on 1st attempt ? team green!
jmn69 ? Already has twins from DE
juliannat ? BFP ? twins due near New Year?s 2011!
KoCoLoCo ? BFP w/gestational carrier (1st attempt) ? boy/girl twins born August 2009!
LBR_NJ ? BFP (girl)! Alana arrived on 12/9/09! FET scheduled for 12/10 but embryo did not survive the thaw
mamabear7 ? DE IVF#1, 26 eggs retrieved! 5dt of 2 embryos on 11/7, BFP! beta #1 = 347! Beta #2 = 1,073, first u/s on 12/3 showed twins! NT scan scheduled for 1/12
MontyMrs (OE) ? 4th IVF = BFP! Triplets!
njohnson1972 (OE) ? Last attempt with OE, transferred 2 embryos on 11/6, BFP!
PiggyBride ? Singleton due 3/2/11
pst8 ? BFP using her sister as a gestational carrier, due in February
RachelD83 ? BFP on 2nd FET (single embryo transfer) ? boy! Jonathan born on 12/8 at 38w3d
svp1537 ? BFP ? twins! Everything is looking great, released to OB
Vet-Tech ? BFP with donor embryos, baby girl born 9/20/10!
Haven?t heard from you in a while ? We miss you!
2linesplease ? Looking into DE options
BBLindy ? Looking into DE options
Davesmisha ? Hoping to do an FET with donor embryos in October
Denise ? Pursuing DE
Justsayjo ? Considering DE with a known donor, may be switching clinics
Legs14zbest ? Donor is confirmed, doing a split cycle, ER was anticipated for 11/8 or 11/9
Njgreneyz ? Has had 4 failed IUI?s and 3 failed IVF?s, looking into GC options (w/own eggs)
Scottdeb ? Looking into adoption and DE
Simplelove03 ? On hold with DE
Stuckinthemiddle (OE) ? Stimming for IVF #3, feeling ready to move on with DE if this cycle is unsuccessful
Re: ~*~DE/DEmbryo/GC Check-in~*~
There are so many of us cycling. Good luck to everyone!
Update: I am on del estrogen now and the donor was supposed to start stims last night. As far as I know, everything is still on track.
QOTW: Before we started TTC, I thought I might have trouble. Given my age and several friends who struggled with IF, I knew it was a possibility that we might need help. When I went off bcp, my cycles were really short. I consulted Dr. Google and found out that the short cycles can be a sign of DOR. So, then I figured we might be in for a long journey. I was right.
Update: I started Lupron on 1/9, and my baseline will be 1/18. Then Abby will begin stims!
QOTW: I had no idea! And honestly, at 27, never thought I would be using DE. But, after my first IVF, and how terrible I responded and my embie quality was not the greatest, I realized that I di dnot really care if I used my eggs or not. But, if you would have told me a year ago I would end up using DE I would have laughed in your face! I am so excited though, and I can not wait for this show to get on the road!
Update: Today is my first therapy appointment, I am nervous but relieved to be able to go get everything that is bothering me off my chest. I'm hoping this helps and that I like my therapist. Thank you for the hugs JM!
QOTW: I never thought we'd have to consider DE, especially with my age (26) but the main problem was actually not even TTC related, the reason why I had to choose DE as our last option was because I couldn't go through the ER portion of the IVF treatment because I'm allergic to the anesthetics that they use in their surgery center and they couldn't do the retrieval in a hospital setting which is necessary for me. I'm not giving up hope completely that we cannot have a bio child, it just doesn't fit into our life plan right now.
My Blog
TTC since 4/09 - Dx PCOS 1/10, HSG: All Clear
4 Failed Clomid cycles of varying degrees
Clomid + Bravelle + Trigger + IUI = BFP!!
Ectopic M/C 9/16/10 ~ Forever in our hearts
BCP+Lupron+Estrogen+DE ET+PIO = BFP!!!
Beta #1: 507 #2: 1561 #3: 4,472 #4: 11,172
BFPBs Sul06, MrsW722 & SnowflakeBride06
GL to Mari2003 and all of the rest of the 3T Ladies
While I am sorry there are so many more people in this check-in, I love that I can be support and selfishly am grateful that there are more people I "know" that used DE.
QOTD: I started TTC when I was 37 so I thought we might have problems. When I got pregnant after a few months of using the CBEFM I felt pretty good about things. After I mc and another 6 months went by without any luck using the CBEFM I started to worry again. When we saw the RE, he said that since we got pregnant on our own we should be a relatively easy case. Well after testing we found out that DH had MFI and I had elevated FSH levels. When my first IVF was a cp, I still felt pretty confident that we were close and IVF #2 would work. It wasn't until after IVF #2 when after our embryos looked good on day 3 they were pretty crappy for our day 5 ET. I still hoped that we would be able to tweak things and be successful but after 3 years of TTC and lots of heartache, I knew it was time to move on.
Welcome to bluebabka and good luck to all the ladies cycling!
QOTD: Did you have any idea before starting to TTC that you might have difficulties or need DE/DEmbryo or GC? NOT AT ALL! Everyone in my family is fertile! My mom had me and my brother back to back and had my younger sister 6 years after me. My mom has only had one miscarriage that I know of. My moms older sister has like 9 kids and was having kids naturally into her mid 40's and my mom's younger sister has 5 kids and had her youngest at 45 naturally go figure....
IVF#1: start stims 1/26; ER 2/8; ET 2/13= BFN; FET#1: May 2010= m/c *NEW CLINIC Jan 2011* IVF#2: start stims 1/12; ER 1/22; ET 1/27= BFN; IVF#3: TBD
Wow! Lots of luck to all the ladies in a cycle! I truly hope you all have success this time around.
Update: I am becoming more and more comfortable with DE as the days go on. I'm ready to begin the process. DH wants to wait about 6 months so we can save some money so I am not sure when we will start. We have an appt. with the RE 1/26. He is going to talk yo us about a new protocol vs. DE. He is also touching base with DH's Uro to see if we will also need DS. My mind is already made up about my next cycle being DE but I don't think we'll usr Cornell. DH agreed to CNY since the prices are better.
QOTD: I kind of did know I would have issues but I expected IVF would be as far as we would need to go if anything. I have Crohn's and I was 31 when I met my husband. (34 when we got married). I knew age was not on my side and with the addition of an autoimmune disease and a long history of meds and surgeries, I kind of expected trouble. I thought a GC would be our issue since due to where my Crohn's is located (I will need a c section if I ever deliver) but it's my eggs that are the problem.
Good luck to all of the ladies in cycle! Hoping to see many new BFPs soon!
QOTD: We started TTC right at my 25th birthday. I had NO idea that I would end up using DE. I was so naive, I knew nothing about fertility and cycles and I thought we'd be pregnant within a few months. My cycles were crazy right off the bat (like either really short or non-existant), I ended up in surgery 5 months later having an ovary and fallopian tube removed and then a year after that (hot flashes, night sweats, no periods, Clomid, and a few Provera cycles in between) I finally sucked it up and went to an RE and got the POF diagnosis (highest FSH = 68). I'll be 28 next week, so it took us 3 years to finally get our miracle.
I'm suprised to see so many other mid-late 20s ladies! And here I thought I was the only one. :-)
Status update: After freaking out because I was told the donor's follies were 'growing slowly' and 'still small', I finally got a good update today. She has 15 follies around 13-14 mm so she still needs a few more days, but retrieval will likely be over the weekend. I'm relieved because I was having flashbacks to my own cycles and not making it to retrieval. My uterus is all good, 10 mm as of last Thurs, triple stripe and all.
QOTD: I had a feeling we might have trouble - my gyno had suspected I had endo because of my pain symptoms. She told me not to wait to get pregnant, but I did wait a year after we got married before we started trying (I was 31). So when people say not to blame myself, I still kind of do. But I never suspected I would have as much trouble as I did and need DE. At my first RE appt I was told I would need DE, so even though I spent 2 years trying with my OE with my second and third opinion doctors, I knew while going through treatment that it was a long shot. But even then, moving to DE was very, very hard for me. Now that I'm in the cycle I'm excited about it and really hope it works!
Early loss 10/08
Lap 1/09
IVF #1 "natural IVF" - 1 egg retrieved, missed m/c
Tried several mini-stim cycles with no response
Switched clinics - dx'd as carrier for Fragile X
IVF #2 MDL protocol Jan/Feb converted to IUI, BFN
IVF #2 take 2: Antagonist, one embie, BFN
IVF #3: Antagonist, no fertilization
One last ditch effort at OE IVF (antagonist with Clomid) cancelled
DE cycle #1 Jan/Feb 2011, BFP, ectopic
DE cycle #2 June/July 2011 - BFP
10/28/11 Baby girl lost at 17 weeks due to pre-term labor. We love and miss you.
DE cycle #3 June/July 2012 - BFP, twins, both heartbeats stopped, D&C
2 frosties but don't know what's next
FET Dec 2012: BFP! Praying this one sticks for the long haul!
Good luck to all of you ladies cycling! Great way to start off 2011.
STATUS UPDATE- I had a hysteroscopy and D&C to "shock" my Uterus into growing a better lining. This is the last resort. I am going to start up my Estrace and Vivelle patch tomorrow as well as Acupuncture, POM juice, you name it. We will see what happens this month and next. Both being prepared to do a FET should my lining be okay.
QOTW- When I was 16, I stopped having periods and was not sexually active. After a few months of testing...I was DX'd with Premature Ovarian Failure. So, any serious boyfriend I had knew of this. But, it was my DH who made me feel the best about the situation. He was in it with me... with no thought of turning back.
DX w/ Protein S Deficiency and unexplained thin lining
Multiple D&C's, Hysterscopy for removal of Scar Tissue, Endometrial Biopsy, 3 BFN FETs, including a year of cancelled due to lining issues (ranging 4.5 to 6.4),
Procedure of arcuate uterus, Shocking lining development...9.2.
Moved on to adoption 3/2011
Homestudy approved! 6/27/2011
Forever matched! 7/17/2012
Precious baby boy born 7/30/2012
SAIF & PAIF Always Welcome
Status Update: Things seem to be going smoothly so far. My next u/s is scheduled for this coming Monday at 8:45.
QOTD: I didn't really have any idea, although looking back, I guess I could have...My sister had no problem getting pregnant with either of her kids, so I kind of thought I would be like her. However, after getting my DOR diagnosis, some things started lining up in terms of my mom's history and our own situation. She got pregnant with my sister fairly easily at 29 but then took 2 1/2 years to get pregnant with me, and I was born when she was 33. She went into menopause early, like in her early- to mid-40's, so I think I am taking after her in this regard. We started TTC when I was 31, so my condition must be somewhat worse than hers since I didn't get pregnant at all with my own eggs.
IVF#1 Oct 2009 (CCRM) - BFN
IVF#2 March 2010 - Poor response/cancelled
DE IVF#1 Aug 2010 - BFN
DE IVF#2 Dec 2010 - Transferred 1, 2 frozen - BFP!
TTC#2 FET Jan 2013 - Transferred 1 - BFP!
Status Update: Im still waiting to hear back from the blood work. Today has been 4 weeks since they did it & said it could be 4-6 weeks. We have had snow issues every day this week so I am hoping that is the hold up & maybe we will find out later this week.
QOTD: I had a lap done when I was 21 & my obgyn said he felt like he got all of the endo out & that I shouldn't have any issue getting pg later on. Then 6 years later I come off bcp's & within 2-3 months I knew something was wrong. Started having horrible hot flashes/mood swings you name it. My obgyn didn't make me wait the "1 year" & dx me w/ POF.
TTC #1 Since 3/2010 Diagnosed with POF
6/2010-IVF #1 Cancelled after ER b/c 0 eggs recovered
On to Donor Eggs
9-30-10 IVF w/ DE begins & Donor started stims 10-4-10
Donor ER 10-14-10 14 Fertilized Eggs ~ ET 10-17-10 (7 Frosties)
IVF #1 11-18-10 M/C @ 7 Weeks~Stopped growing @ 5 Weeks
FET #1 2-1-2011
Beta #1 13dp3dt 2-14-2011~722
Beta #2 15dp3dt 2-16-2011~1942
1st U/S 3-3-2011~Twin Girls
I absolutely knew from the get-go that TTC was going to be difficult. I was 37 and had lost an ovary to endo. It didn't really occur to me that we might need DE, though, until we discovered a few months in that my FSH was through the roof. Our RE pretty much told us it was DE or adoption.
Update: Not too much to update. We are just tying up loose ends before starting injections. I can't wait until all of the details between us and the donor are finalized! I am just so worried that something is going to come up at the last minute that will cause a problem in our cycle.
QOTD: I had no idea that we would have issues when we started to trying. I didn't think that it was going to happen right away, but I certainly thought that it would be sooner than three years!
Thank you everyone for the good wishes - Back at you!
Went today to write the big check and get the protocol. I know it's all going to be worth it in the end but holy cow I hope this is the last big check. We scrutinized the legal document, which was sloppy. The practice admin finally told us they needed to work on it and her husband (an attorney) probably wouldn't have signed it either. I did not know that they purchase insurance for the donor in case anything happens. Nowhere did it say that in the document. It did say we were fully responsible for any medical care. When we began to ask about this and our liability that's when they told us about the insurance policy.
I start Lupron this week and go back in for a recheck on 1/24. We should get all the final dates for the ET at that time.
For those who have had success how many embryo's did you transfer?
QOTD : When I was 15 I had one ovary removed due to a giant cyst. They also dissected my second ovary to make sure everything was ok. Even though we have gotten pregnant 5 times on our own - all resulting in cp's (I think 2x with IUI cycles) I always knew that TTC would be a challenge - If not impossible. How great is it that we have a DE option now!