
In need of support/encouragement.

I thought I was having such a great pregnancy..great bloodpressure, no swelling, hardly any back pain, passed gluecose with flying colors......then today happened.  Went in for my regular appt and found out I am 50% effaced and having contractions, no dialation though.  I spent 5 hours in the hospital having a nonstress test.  Now they are giving me steroid shots to prepare them as much as they can for early labor.  So scary.  I know many of you have been here too. 

My hospital doesnt have a NICU, and the closest one that does is 2 hours away.  Now Im affraid I will be there and even worse...the boys will be.  2  hours away!!!!  :( I just dont know what to think. :(


Spontaneous Di/Di twin boys born at 34 weeks on 02/21/2011
Baby #3 due January 2016
Lilypie Premature Baby tickers

Re: In need of support/encouragement.

  • aw sweetie. you are doing great! take a deep breath, try to stay calm, drink lots of water, eat well and keep your feet up. you and your babies will do fine even if they do end up in the nicu for a bit. every day is a victory and you are doing great!!! 
  • Did they give you contraction medication and/or put you on some sort of bed rest?  I think that should be the focus of your Dr.  Is your Dr a MFM?  I'm thinking no, since there isn't a local NICU.  I suggest you talk to one.  ASAP.  The hospital with a NICU, what level is it?  I am concered about the care you are getting.  Please don't brush it off.

    If your boys end up at a hospital farther away, the hospital social worker should be able to help set up arrangements for your family.  I think that you will find that this isn't the biggest issue.  It sucks, yes.

    I was the same as you. I had a great pregnancy except the precautionary steriod shots sent me into labor (don't happen very often) but after that was taken care of I was fine until one day I had back pain and went in to find myself 3cm dilated.  Luckily I was nearly 34w with triplets and deemed good to go for a c-section.  Still, they were in the hospital for (1) 3 weeks and (2) 5 weeks.

    Love: 8/2000 | Marriage: 7/2005 | Baby makes three: 3/28/2007 | And one more makes...SIX?
    Steal my kids picture or pretend they are yours, I will find where you live and ship all of their dirty diapers to your doorstep. Promise. image
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  • I know how scary it is. I was 20wks when I started having cervical/uterine problems. But like me it sounds like you have good doctors so you're in good hands. It's great news that you're not dilated. Take comfort in that. Did you get a FFN test?

    My only advice is tobe diligent with bedrest. Be as strict about it as you can. I was on bedrest for 15wks straight and my boys were fine at birth. 

  • I had the steriod shots for mine @ 28 weeks as well because I was dialated.  I had my babies at 36wks 2 days, no NICU.  I was on bedrest and took it very easy and didn't dialate further, in fact I had a c-section due to BP, no actual labor.  I hope everything goes as well for you and that my experience can be helpful to you.
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  • I know it is hard and scary.  I went into preterm labor at 21 weeks.  They stopped the contractions.  I started contracting again at 28 weeks.  I was contracting ever 3-10 minutes.  Everyone was sure I was going to have the babies and I got the steroid shots.  End result:  I contracted through the end of my pregnancy and made it to my 34 week C-section.  I know it is hard, but try to stay positive!  The steroid shots are just a precaution; it does not mean you are going to have the babies.
    Lilypie Third Birthday tickers Lilypie Premature Baby tickers
  • I began contracting at 30 weeks, had the shots at 32 weeks after beginning effacement and needing terbutaline to stop the regular conractions, and continued to have pretty regular low level contractions until the day I delivered at 37 weeks 4 days. I was Csec due to baby b beeing breech, and having high blood pressure. I never ever dialed, just thinned way out.
  • I had a very similar situation at 29 weeks.  Since then i have been on terbutaline & was put on bedrest and have been able to keep them in.  I just had an appt this morning and my dr now sees me going 37+ weeks.

    Did you have the FFN test?

    BFP 4/22/09, Missed M/C on 6/9, D & C on 6/11 @ 11wks- trisomy 16 BFP 11/19/09 -CP 11/23/09 BFP 1/16/2010- m/c 1/29/2010, low progesterone BFP 6/13/2010 = twins!!! Lilypie First Birthday tickers</a
  • I'm sorry to hear that you are going through this, I know from experience that the hardest part is not knowing. Preterm labor is so different for every woman and every pregnancy, some women go quickly and others can be dilated for weeks. The very best thing you can do is be an advocate for your care. Speak to the neonatologists at the nicu and send your husband on a tour ( I'm assuming you're on bed rest). At the very least it can help out your mind at ease in the case that they are delivered early. I was so glade did this because I could be confident that my babies would be in the very best hands. Good luck and stay as positive as you can, you will be in my thoughts and prayers.
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  • I'm sorry you have to go through this......  I know you can be strong!  Just think, maintain a positive attitude and stomp away all the bad thoughts.  Think good thoughts, and good will come your way!!  You all CAN make it!!!
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