I'm thrilled that D's pre-school takes them outside in pretty much all kinds of weather.
However... can someone PLEASE help me understand the logistics of sending gloves or mittens to school?
They don't fit in his pockets to store them while in class.
I can't see him putting them inside his back pack and then getting them back out for outside play time.
I remember gloves/mittens that had strings attached and were strung thru the child's coat. Do these still exist? They suddenly seem brilliant where just last year I thought they'd be an exercise in frustration and filth.
Advice please?
Re: Logistics of gloves/mittens at school?
Our Family Blog Weightloss Blog
Big E (6) & Little E (2.5)
I use the clips as well. You can find them at Walmart by the baby/kids department and they only cost $2 or $3 bucks.
DD -- 5YO
DS -- 3YO
Here's how I handle this:
--mittens until the child can get gloves on 100% solo with little difficulty.
--when we take off winter gear, we put mittens inside of the hat, then stuff the whole ball into one of the sleeves of the coat. Have the child smoosh the hat/mitten ball down to about the elbow of the coat. If schools have coathooks instead of cubbies, the jostling can knock stuff out of pockets, but a hatfull of mittens inside the sleeve tends to stick pretty well.
Both of my kids have lost mittens or gloves from their backpacks or pockets, but neither has ever lost winter gear when it was stuffed in a sleeve.
I love these two beautiful children!
(m/c 1.17.07, m/c 5.15.07)
DS - 03.15.08
DD2 - 12.03.09
DD3 - 3.28.11