Help - need a pro VBAC dr in Phoenix, Az

Any of you ladies from Phoenix, know of a Dr, or how to find one? Just got my BFP today, a little ahead of schedule, so I'm behind on my research
Gabriel 11/04/09 Vincent 9/17/11 Grace 8/02/13

Re: Help - need a pro VBAC dr in Phoenix, Az

  • -Check with your local chapter of ICAN.  They will usually know about VBAC friendly doctors or midwives


    -Check your local board on Mothering.com

    -Call some local doulas.  They will usually know who does VBACs, whether they pull bait and switches, etc. 

    -Google Phoenix VBAC and see if other posts from other sites or web forums come up where people have given recommendations, etc.


    Big sister {September 2008} Sweet boy {April 2011} Fuzzy Bundle {ETA July 2014}

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  • In addition to iris's suggestions, I found my local La Leche League to be helpful with recommendations.
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