Baby Names

Crisis Averted: Stella

When DH and I were throwing around girl names before we knew we were pregnant with DS, one that kept floating to the top was his Grandmother's name, Stella. My MIL has 12 sibilings, DH has nearly 50 first cousins and yet not a single grandchild or great grandchild had ever been given her name, save for a dog. Yes. One of the aunts named her little yip yip dog the same name as the matriarch.

She is a fantastic woman, with great strength, a farmer's wife through and through, so there is no reason that her name would be seen as anything but complimentary. I thought the name was very sweet and mentioned to DH that I would like to use it. When we found out our baby was a boy, we decided to go with a Hebrew or Jewish trend, just as my family did, with great emphasis on meaning [us, not my Mom, clearly my name doesn't have the greatest meaning :)]. 

We just found out that DH's cousin and husband, who we are close with and are expecting their 2nd daughter in March, have decided to name their daughter Stella Lorraine [both after their Grandma's]. I'm just so glad we decided to go the route we did so that instead of being upset the name is being used, both DH and I are happy to see it finally put to good use, finally!

I mean really, it's only been used for a dog! And don't get me started on how rude I think that is . . . 

Isaac Levi 4/26/09 : BFP#2 - MC 9w : Ezra John 6/26/11 : Miriam Joy 4/12/13 : Naomi Ann 9/2/14

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