Cloth Diapering

When to use CJ's BUTTer?

I just ordered some and have a question. Do you use CJ's BUTTer only when LO has a rash/irritation or do you use it all the time? LO is BF and has pretty runny poops every hour and just got over diaper rash (used Butt Paste in the sposies). I'm wondering if I should be using it all the time to avoid the rash or to only use it once she has a rash.
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Re: When to use CJ's BUTTer?

  • I think it's fine to use it all the time.  Our son gets awful rashes and yeast infections if he's in a poopy diaper for just a few minutes too long (and he is a stealthy pooper) so we slather on the CJ's really thick with every change.  So far it's made it much less likely that he gets another infection.  

    I don't think there's a downside to using it every change, except that you'll go through it faster. 

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  • I use it at pretty much every change. If she is in a poop a few minutes too long she gets a rash. The CJs really helps. Its obvious when i forget it.
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  • imageNikki1007:
    I use it at pretty much every change. If she is in a poop a few minutes too long she gets a rash. The CJs really helps. Its obvious when i forget it.

    this. DS's tush always looked red until I started using CJ's at pretty much every change. I've only used unscented though, don't know if it makes a difference if it has a fragrance to it.

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