We have 4. Two silky terriers that are 3.5 years old, brother and sister, named Archie and Edith. Two cats, 4.5, named Charlie (girl) and Quagmire (boy), both short-hair. I love them so much.

Me-28, DH-26;
Re: How many furbabies do you have?
5 REs + 3 surgical hysteroscopies for septum/lap + 3 failed IUIs
IVF w/ICSI/AH & acu = BFP!, unexplained spontaneous m/c @ 8w2d (our little girl),
FET w/acu = BFP!, B/G twins!, lost MP @19w, dx w/funneling cervix @20w,
twins nearly lost to IC @21w, saved by rescue cerclage, 17P & 16w of bedrest
Our twins born @36w4d via CS when A came foot first
Thankful for every day
We have 2-they are both in my sig.
Reese and Ellie. They are actually sisters from the same litter believe it or not and are both a German Shepard/Bl. Lab mix. We adopted them both from a shelter when we lived in St. Louis. They were about 6 mos. at the time and are now 4.
After 4 years, 3 failed IUIs and 2 failed IVFs our surprise miracle is here!
My Blog
TTC # 2 BFP 03/02/13 = CP, BFP 05/14/13 = CP, BFP 08/09/13 = CP
RPL testing = normal
TI Cycle #1, 50 clomid days 3-7, 150 iu Follistim days 8-11 = BFP! EDD May 22, 2014
Betas: 13 DPO = 79, 15 DPO = 149, 19 DPO = 788, 22 DPO = 2031
Two- A 9 year old calico cat named Zoe and a 3 year old Chihuahua mixed with??? named Lucy but we call her Piggy! She snorts like a pig when she gets under the covers. My little niece has even dubbed our house "Piggy's house". :-)
I love both my furbabies! They are spoiled rotten!
b2b Injectable IUI #1 7/25/10 & 7/26/10 = BFP beta 14dpIUI = 133 MC 9/14 at 9 weeks
b2b Injectable IUI #2 12/5/10 & 12/6/10 = BFN
IVF #1 ER 3/28/11 ET 3 embryos 3/31/11= BFN
b2b Injectable IUI#3 6/28/11 & 6/29/11 = BFN
Submitted Adoption Application on 6/1/2011
Homestudy 7/19/2011
IVF#2 CX due to Adoption Match
We were blessed with our daughter through the gift of adoption
IVF #2.1 ET 2 embryos 2/14/13 7 frosties
This is Kitty, she is a Maine ***. She came to us about 5 years ago...
and this is Sadie, she is a dachshund/hound mix. She will be seven in April...
Forever our's October 17th 2012
Currently pg with our 1st after 6.5 yrs of IF (thank you IVF)
My IF/Everything Blog
There's No Crying in Baseball
***My posts are always SAIFW**
Zip. DH and I both grew up without pets. With the exception of the bird stint my family went through. We had 3, yes 3 sets of birds all named Balki and Larry (after Perfect Strangers) They kept dying for multiple reasons and I kept naming each pair replacement Balki and Larry. First pair- Balkie was actually a female and had some territiory issues...so she basically pecked Larry to his death.
So, we took them back. Then the next set had an unfortunate death...they were too close to our heater. (Terrible, I know) and the thrid set...lasted a few weeks and we were so excited that I let one out and it flew through the house...smack into the window and we accepted that my family was not meant for pets. Keep in mind I was about 9 years old at the time, so I do not take responsibility! I know this is not a relevent story...but it's interesting to tell.
I have told DH that if this road doesn't lead in a better direction soon...that I want to get a dog. One of the few dogs I absolutely love is a Yorkie Terrior. It will take some convincing of my DH though. He says that he needs a dog he can take for walks and runs.
In the meantime...I just like to visit my friends furbabies.
DX w/ Protein S Deficiency and unexplained thin lining
Multiple D&C's, Hysterscopy for removal of Scar Tissue, Endometrial Biopsy, 3 BFN FETs, including a year of cancelled due to lining issues (ranging 4.5 to 6.4),
Procedure of arcuate uterus, Shocking lining development...9.2.
Moved on to adoption 3/2011
Homestudy approved! 6/27/2011
Forever matched! 7/17/2012
Precious baby boy born 7/30/2012
SAIF & PAIF Always Welcome
We have one dog. Hershey is a 2.5 year old mutt, mixed with: Afghan Hound, Chow Chow, German Shepard, Golden Retriever, and Parson Terrier.
He looks like a lab though-and we thought he had some border collie in him!
We had him DNA tested
"Most of the important things in the world have been accomplished by people who have kept on trying when there seemed to be no hope at all." -- Dale Carnegie
"Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time." --Thomas A. Edison
Married 1/2/99.
TTC since 4/09.
Diagnosed PCOS. Diagnosed Hypothryoid 11/09.
SHG & SA normal. PCOS Research study started 5/10.
Clomid/Femara cycle #1 - 6/10 = BFN
Clomid/Femara cycle #2 - 7/10 = BFP #1 - Missed miscarriage 9/2/10
11/12 - BFP #2 - 11/22 - m/c
5/1/11 - BFP #3 - Pre-eclampsia, IUGR & bed rest from 32w. DD born via induction 1/4/12.
7lbs 13oz 20 inches long
We have 2 cats. Tigger (girl) about 6.5 yrs old and Salem (girl that we were told was a boy; long story) about 2 yrs old.
DH is not a dog person but I am hoping that after we have babies he will change his mind.
3 dogs...two Pomeranians and an English Pointer.
And they are all wired right now...!
TI, IUIs, IVF = c/ps and BFNs
TTC since March 2009 // Me and DH - 28
Testing Summer/Fall 2010 - Unexplained IF
IUIs #1-4 ~ Clomid/Ovidrel/TI/IUI ~ all BFNs
IUI #5 ~ Femara/Ovidrel/TI/IUI ~ BFN
IUIs #6-9 ~ Research Study Meds/Pregnyl/TI/IUI ~ all BFNs
IVF Consultation, More Testing
Diagnostic Cycle ~ Mucinex/Progesterone/TI ~ BFN
IVF #1 ~ Menopur/Bravelle/Ganirelix/Novarel/Progesterone/Lupron
7R, 6F // 2 transferred // 3 frosties ~ BFN
FET #1 ~ Estrace/PIO/Lupron
3 thawed // 2 transferred // 1 lost // no more frosties ~ BFP!!
Beta #1 - 456 // Beta #2 - 1176 // Beta #3 - 2933 // Beta #4 - 6753
EDD: May 16, 2013
Bedrest for SCH // 6w2d through 10w1d
Elevated TSH and Lazy Thyroid DX @ 10w - Started Synthroid
Finally released from RE at 13w
~~ My IF Blog ~~
8/10 = Lap to remove Endo
2 Femara TI, 3 Follistim IUI = BFN & 1 c/p
IVF #1 - BFP - boy/girl Twins!
Ben and Reese born at 34w2d!
We have one- a 1 yr old black Lab named Daisy. She is my baby!! Playing with her is the highlight of my days!!
TTC since 12/06, PCOS w/ Endo & MFI - 3 Laps - 3 IVF's - 1 FET - 1 ectopic - 1 c/p - gearing up for IVF#4
My Fav Thing about Spring is Easter Candy!
We have 2: 1 dog & 1 cat. I've always had pets growing up; DH has never had any before.
Our dog's name is Romeo; he's a Pekingese. He turns 4 on Valentine's Day, hence his name. We got him from a toy breed rescue group. They helped in a puppy mill raid & he was the lone Peke puppy. Here's a photo of him:
We also have a grey tiger cat named Chilly. We rescued him from between our fence & our neighbor's when he was a tiny kitten on a cold December morning; that's how he got his name. I don't have any photos of him @ work. He's 2 years old.
We hae 3 labs. 1 yellow male Silver, 1 yellow female Emma, and 1 black baby (his 1 yr birthday is next week) Bentley.
We live on 2 acres and they love it!!!!