We returned from Denmark last week but right after we got home I came down with the flu (I was conviced I was going to die) so I haven't had a chance to log on until now.
The trip was wonderful and it was actually nice being able to eat and drink everything I wanted to since I wasn't pg.
I missed you ladies and I'm off to try and catch up on everything I missed!
Re: I'm baaack!
Welcome back
Sorry you were sick...boo!
But I'm very glad you enjoyed your trip!
TI, IUIs, IVF = c/ps and BFNs
Forever our's October 17th 2012
Welcome back! Sorry you were sick!
Hope your trip was awesome!
TTC since July 2008
IUI 1,2,3 BFN
IVF #1 C/P, FET 1,2,3 BFN
it's a girl!!
Welcome back! I am so glad you had a wonderful trip, but I hope you are feeling better from your flu now. We missed you!
07/14/97 - Stillborn twins at 22 weeks
12/20/99 - Miscarriage #1 - 11 wks 4 days laproscopic surgery due to rupture of tube
07/01/01 - Divorced
05/30/09 - Re-married to a wonderful man!
11/11/09 - Miscarriage #2 - 10 wks 3 days, D&C
Dx: Unexplained
07/30/10 - 10/19/10 - IUI #1 - IUI #4 clomid cd2-6 + premarin cd7-13 + HCG Trigger=BFFN's
11/10/10 - IVF #1 Start stims ER#1 11/22, ER #2 11/24, ET 11/29=BFFN
03/14/11 - IVF #2 start stims, ER-03/26/11, ET-03/31/11, beta 04/08/11 = BFFN
05/16/11 - Hail Mary Cycle - Inj+TI =BFP!! 06/08/11 Beta #1 71.8, 06/10/11 Beta #2 201, U/S 6/20-1 sac. U/S 6/28 sac and hb of 118!!