Baby Names

I feel bad for our LO's with all these new names...

Our LO's are going to have such a hard time with the new wave of crazy, unique, originally spelled and made up names.

I am dreading  when my kid is addressing Valentine's for everyone in the class and misspells half of them since they are all spelled different than the original forms. 

Or when DS gets his college roommate assignment in the mail and can't pronounce the name and really can't even determine if it is a boy or girl.

And the poor teachers that have to take role on the first day of school. I wouldn't be able to pronounce half of the new names I keep hearing!

Does anyone else think about this? 

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Re: I feel bad for our LO's with all these new names...

  • Yes and no.  I remember being in class as a kid and the teacher mispronouncing a few names.  I know its worse now and I agree that there are a lot of ridiculous names anymore, but its something they are going to grow up with as the new norm I think.
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  • I think this is usually harder for the adults.  Kids (at least when they are younger) take it in stride as they aren't aware of what the "normal" spelling is or that it's a strange name.  
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  • That is true.  They will never know any different.

    I think I might be scared of looking like an idiot when DS asks me how to spell or say something and I have no clue!

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  • It was BraveAngel who first mentioned this on the board, but now I think about it all the time: no matter how carefully we choose our names for our children, it's possible they could end up married to an Aydyn or a girl named Hunter or Kylynne. That is a frightening thought to me.
  • I didn't even think about future spouses!!! 
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  • Actually, I do think about this. No matter what your son's name is, there's bound to be a GIRL with that same name in his class to make him feel like an idiot... And what about headstones (I know this is grim)... but someday someone will look at it and wonder, Was this a man or a woman?! And they'll have to add things like "Wife, mother" or "Father, son" to make sure people don't get confused... I know, I'm odd... Geeked
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    Married since 06/19/2004|Anna born 11/19/2006|Charles born 11/1/11
    Double undergrad graduation May 2011| Me: Psychology, DH: Communication| A long journey!
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  • Such a snobby thing to's not that serious!
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  • This is coming from a teacher:

    There are far worse things out there we worry  about than mispronouncing  kids' names. Our LOs will be just fine, just like all the billions of Erins, Jessicas, Jacobs and Mikes are now. 

     I love the fact that in my classroom I have children with all different names (from all different backgrounds). 

    Posts like these are like beating a dead horse, as they have been posted many times before, and don't make the OP look so hot. 


  • As a drama teacher, I always do a name game on the first day of class.  This makes it easier for me to learn names, and so I don't have to butcher names since the kids will say their names before I ever do.  For example, I have a student named Anahi.  I would have pronounced it Ah-na-he, but it's pronounced An-I-ee.

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  • imagestrangebird:
    It was BraveAngel who first mentioned this on the board, but now I think about it all the time: no matter how carefully we choose our names for our children, it's possible they could end up married to an Aydyn or a girl named Hunter or Kylynne. That is a frightening thought to me.

    True (and it does send a slight shiver down my spine), but I try to look on the bright side. :) It opens the door for more uncommon (but not crazy!) names for us to use! Names that might have been 'too obscure' before don't stick out as much now after hearing all the doozies floating around out there. 

  • The thought of having a daughter-in-law named "Nevaeh" or a son-in-law named "Jaxsyn" makes me shudder.  I'd never be able to address them without gagging.
  • image*Scuzzlebutt*:
    The thought of having a daughter-in-law named "Nevaeh" or a son-in-law named "Jaxsyn" makes me shudder.  I'd never be able to address them without gagging.

    I think I'd refuse to put their name on a stocking.

    S- March 09 E- Feb 12 L- May 15

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