Cloth Diapering

Do wool dryer balls help with static cling?

I don't use dryer sheets at all, even on our clothes, partially for environmental/health reasons and partially to avoid causing any issues with residue and cloth diapers. I don't miss them for the most part... but the static cling on our fleece clothing is KILLING me!

So, do wool dryer balls help with static cling at all?

If not, do you think it would be bad for my diapers if I did a load of fleece clothing with a dryer sheet every now and then?

Mommy to DD1 (June 2007), DS (January 2010), DD2 (July 2012), and The Next One (EDD 3/31/2015)

Re: Do wool dryer balls help with static cling?

  • Yes they do help. [In my experience, at least.] They work really well and kill all static. They also reduce your drying time, saving energy as well.
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  • My wool balls are not helping much with static right now. Certain loads of laundry I do throw in a dryer sheet (like fleece and certain blankets).
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  • I think they help a little, but not tons.....If a load has any non-cotton material in it I can tell one I pull something from the dryer.  They are noisy, but I still use them because I figure they are better than nothing Smile
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  • My dryer balls are not helping wtih static on fleece. My husband couldnt figure out why the dog was shocking everyone after being on our bed (we have a fleece blanket extra during winter). When I washed it today I used a dryer sheet instead.
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