
DH diaper change Fail!! LOL

Here's a little background on DH, I do feedings Sunday-Thrusday and he lets me sleep Friday and Saturday as he works all week.

So last night he was in charge. So when I got up this morning he starting laughing and said you will never guess what I did last night.

Our Pug dog sleeps in bed with us, so he said he got out of bed picked up the dog as we carry him alot and instead of heading to the backdoor He took the dog and LAID in on th Changing Table!!!!! When the dogs leg got stuck he realized it was a dog not a baby!!

So he went back into room put dog back in bed and looked in Pack N PLay  for a crying baby BUT no one was crying. In the meantime the dog headed for the door to go Pee!!

I always joke and say one morning Im gonna wake and he will be feeding the dog a bottle, guess I shouldnt joke anymore!!

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