I have absolutely fallen in love with the name Remy (pronounced: rem-E). But, I need your honest opinions. Am I crazy? Do I need some sense knocked into me?
1. Remy, what do you think of it?
2. Boy name or girl name?
3. Can this pass as a full name? If not, what could the full name be (besides Remington, which I am not sure I like).
Thanks! Alright, let the opinions fly.
Re: Remy - what do you think??
I think of 2 things
Remy Martin....alcohol
and a student i had years ago that was a little punk.
Boy name
It could and is a full name, but I still dont like it.
Maybe it's just because I've been pregnant for so long (or at least it feels like it!) But this is what the name makes me think of
This is why I like posting names on here. I had no idea that Remy Martin was an alcohol. However, I don't think that bothers me too much considering I have never even heard of it.... but it will definitely play a factor in my decision.
1. I think of the Disney movie Ratatouille. The Rat's name is Remy. Also the the BIL from the show Cake Boss (who molested a 14 year-old) is named Remy. Those are the only two Remys I know.
2. definite boy name
3. yes, it can pass as a full name.
I personally wouldn't name my son after a Disney character, let alone a character that is a rat.
Lost Lilah (Audra's twin) at 26 weeks. Cause unknown. Forever in our hearts
This comment actually made me laugh out loud
Cool, I am glad someone doesn't think it is too bad. I still have a long ways to go before the baby gets here, but I have been known to pull a complete 360 on names sometimes.
For example.. I used to love Paisley. Now, I want to throw up at the thought of it, yuck, what was I thinking?
NMS. I think of Remington as in guns.
Well, lol, they claim its been around since 1738!
I've never had it or even seen it IRL, so I can't say why, but I knew it was an alcohol brand. IDK if its from songs or if there have ever been commercials...
This is exactly why I dislike the full name Remington.
Twins born too early at 23 weeks due to incompetent cervix
FET #1, IUI #1, 2, 3, 4 - all BFN
IVF #3 BFP!!! IT'S A BOY! Born July 16th, 2011
FET #2 BFP! Due February 15, 2013
1. I like the name. Maybe consider a diff way of spelling to sidetrack comparisons with other things.
2. Definitely girl.
3. I think it's great for a full name. A complimenting 2 syllable middle name would be perfect!
Thanks! I have seen that sometimes (for a girl) it is spelled Remi, but I kind of like the "y" (which is weird since I usually don't like them). And I think it flows well with our three syllable last name. I haven't even begun to think of middle names yet! We won't make any concrete decisions until we find out the gender though
Remington is a terrible name.
Remy is a male name. It's derived from the French oarsmen, and I don't understand why anyone would give this name to a girl.
I think my geek is showing...out of all the references out there, this is what I thought of first:
Meet Monsieur Remy Le Beau, aka "Gambit" from the X-Men comics.
Oh, yeah...he's a Thief(no, really...that's the name of his guild), a bit of a womanizer, betrays his friends, and blows stuff up. And has REALLY bad luck when it comes to love...
I've known four or five Remy's, all men. Although, I have heard of it being used for girls it is traditionally and exclusively (at least in my mind) a boys' name.
Two of the Remys I know were actually named Remington, with the nickname Remy. I really like that, though it usually receives mixed reviews.
Remy is popular in France. I don't hear it often here, but I wouldn't bat an eye if I did.
1. I really like the name. However, the first thing I think of is Gambit (Remy LeBeau) from the X-Men.
2. Boy.
3. Yes, it is a full name IMO.
bfp 1 - m/c 1.31.11 @ 10 weeks
bfp 2 - baby born via c-section on 5.4.12 @ 37 weeks
bfp 3 - blighted ovum/d&c on 4.13.13 @ 8 weeks
bfp 4 - 3rd IUI, very late BFN with super low P, c/p
bfp 5 - natural bfp while on lupron, baby born via RCS on 4.27.15 @ 39 weeks
bfp 6 - surprise! baby born via RCS on 11.13.16 @ 38 weeks
I think of gambit - he is my fav comic book character. Note the above is his origin story - he is a lot like han solo - he ends up doing "good" in the end.
Remy is on my short list for a boy....love it.
i had a friend who's golden retriever (but please pay no attention to the fact it was a dog's name!) was called remy - but it was short for rembrandt.
just throwing that out there.
oh!, it was a boy dog, too!
I love the name Romy for a girl. I think its short for Romaine, but if i had my way when we were naming our daughters i would have gone with just plain Romy.
I think Remy is masculine sounding.
My DD is named Remington but we spell her nickname with an I (Remi). Some people will tell you that it's too masculine. Trust me, DD couldn't be more of a princess and her name couldn't fit her any more perfectly.
Some people will also say:
1. Remington Steele
2. Remy Martin - the liquor
3. Remington guns, shaver, curling iron or blow dryer.
Do you think I care what other people think, NOPE!!! To each his own. I know that people have different opinins and I respect that.