I just received a Bum-ware Extreme AIO in the mail today. I haven't prepped it yet and want to ask you ladies if anyone has any opinions on this brand of AIO.
I read the directions and it said not to use oxy-clean b/c it would void the warranty. But I've been using the homemade detergent from the EFF blog and it has oxyclean in it. Should I not be using oxyclean on my diapers/inserts?
Also, it said not to use Rockin Green or Charlie's soap detergents. If I stopped using my homemade detergent I was going to look into one of these two brands.
I don't want to have one diaper that I can't use my homemade detergent, Rockin Green, or Charlie's soap.
I am slightly considering sending it back but wanted to see first if any of you ladies have any experience with this diaper.