January 2011 Moms

Pad Question

The "Those with outside babies" post made me think of this.

The giant pads they have, at your hospital, were they name brand?  I mean I would never look for those pads in the store or anything but mine looked like no name brand GIANT pads but worked wonders.  Actually wore one of my normal Always pads the other day and it felt weird and I went back to the last stack of Giant pads.

 Also, did everyone else's hospital step you down pad size by pad size.  I went from Jumbo Pink to Giant Peach to Large white (and took a bunch of those bad boys home and am nearing the end of those). 

Re: Pad Question

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    I have had giant peach the whole time.  Checking out tomorrow AM.  :)  I am taking a bag of them home (or two if I can) and then switching to Always when they run out.
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    I used the giant pads the whole time at the hospital but honestly they drove me crazy. When I got home I got Always Overnights with wings. The no wings on the hosptial ones really bugged me because I'd leak over the sides of the pad. Its not a problem when you're using the disposable mesh panties, but I was really anxious to wear my regular panties so I wanted something with more coverage. The overnights had the same length but had more coverage.
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    The giant white ones from our hospital are Depends brand, says it on the little tab you pull off the sticky part.  We start with those then move to some thicker like overnight style maxi pads, then to the thinner Always with wings.


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    I think the peach ones were a name brand....but I can't remember what, playtex I think?  I have never seen pads that big for retail sale though.  :( 

    But I had both those and the really huge postpartum ones in my room, and I just stepped down to the smaller ones myself after my first shower.

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