I finally met my partner for life right after I turned 34, in Nov. 2005. In August of 2007 we got married. And now in upcoming October of 2008 we are going to start TTC. I will be 37 in October and have always wanted to have children. If anyone can give me any advice to on how to get pregnant the quickest, I would greatly appreciate it. I am a bit overweight also. I have put on 50lbs since meeting my husband. I have been trying to lose weight, but with work stress it just hasn't happened.
Re: Just starting to TTC
DD -- 5YO
DS -- 3YO
Some people start out by simply having lots of sex, and for a lot of them, that works just fine. Others decide they want to get to know their body better, so they get a copy of Taking Charge of Your Fertility. They may just start out by charting their temps to get an idea of when they ovulate and how long their cycles are. From there, you can get as involved as you want--ovulation prediction kits, fertility monitors, etc.
It also depends on your personality. If you're a laid-back kind of gal who wants to go with the flow, just having sex for a while and seeing what happens might be your best bet. If you're more of a Type A, I have to know what's going on kind of gal, plunging into fertility monitoring may be more your cup of tea.
As for your weight, the jury is still out on how weight, and how much weight, affects fertility. But it can't hurt to evaluate your lifestyle and habits and see if you can live healthier in general. Again, how you approach that will depend on your personality as well as your schedule.
You may also want to check in with your ob/gyn to talk about TTC and what they recommend.
Good luck in whatever you decide.
I agree with Pesky.
I used sparkpeople to lose about 20 lbs and loved it! I keep meaning to get back to it. I did it in part because we were TTC but mostly because I was miserable. I'd gained 30 lbs since we got married and was just tired of it. We were only thinking of TTC at that time, so I don't know if it contributed to us having DD.
I would recommend TCOYF as well. While I didn't chart with DD (she's 16 MO), it helped me learn about what my body was doing. It did take us a year to conceive (I was 36).
We're now TTC#2, and I used OPK's for 3 months, and took a vacation from it this past month because it was making me crazy. Some people need to chart, track, etc because they feel in control. Other people go with the lots of sex route.
It's good to read "Taking Charge of Your Fertility". That book is a great resource when first TTC and you can learn how to take your basal body temperatures each morning and see how your cycles work. That's how I learned when I ovulate each month. If you know when you O you can have better timed sex and increase your chances.
GL on your journey!