Baby Names

WDYT of these baby girl names? Going for classic.


I named our first DD Alexandra but we call her "Andie".  I love the feminine formal name and fun nn. I want another classic girls name but worry my list is more on the trendy side with "old lady" names that will see a revival in the coming years. Popularity doesn't bother me, trendy does.

WDYT of:

- Lydia

- Frances - I  worry this isn't vey feminine (ironic concern for someone with a girl named Andie, I know)

- Alice

- Victoria - in complete opposition to my first DD I'd insist people use her full name.  I suspect this is the least trendy on my list.




Re: WDYT of these baby girl names? Going for classic.

  • Alice is the only one I would think maybe qualifies as trendy.  I happen to completely love Lydia.  Frances beats out Victoria for me, but it's still nice.  Also, if you do go for Victoria and people insist on a nn, you could steer them towards Vic so that it has the same kind of masculine sound as Andie.
  • I like Lydia, Alice and Victoria. I am not so much a fan of Frances because of the nn Franny, which is too much like fanny to me. 
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  • Lydia is one of my top picks.  I think it is so beautiful and feminine.  My husband on the other hand said it sounded old. 
  • Lydia - I think it's a beautiful name, but I might be partial because it's my mom's name.

    Frances - I've only known guys with this name, so it's nms when it comes to girls names.

    Alice - I love the name Alice (Alice in Wonderland is in my Top 5 favorite books). Unfortunately DH vetoed this name. I think this name is going to see a surge in popularity, but as long as you're fine with it then that's all that matters.

    Victoria - It's nms. I feel like the name is too formal but I can't explain why.

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  • I think you have some lovely names here. I love classic names!

    Alice - I absolutely love this name. It's on my list for sure and I think Andie and Allie could be a really cute sib-set.

    Lydia is just lovely.It isn't used enough IMO.

    Frances should probably be a middle name for the reason you state, but really there aren't enough Frans running around. ;)

    Victoria is a gorgeous name, but she'll probably end up with a nickname. This is probably best as a middle name, too.

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  • I really like the name Lydia with the NN Liddy. Frances and Alice still remind me of OLD women and I can't get past that.  And Victoria is a strong, classic, beautiful name so you cant go wrong with that.
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  • Lydia - I like this L name. I see it every once in a while here. It currently ranks at #118

    Frances - I think this old name is too musty for many 'granny chic' namers, and at #802. It would pretty appropriate if you have French in any of your ancestry.

    Alice - I love this A name. I wish it fit with better with who me and my guy are because it has a forever youthful vibe thanks to Alice in Wonderland. I do worry that the movie it will jump even more in popularity, but I don't see it discussed here often. Currently at #258, a jump from #327 the previous year.

    Victoria - I love this elegant, V name...the first letter makes it a touch more vivacious than other queen names for me. Great meaning 'victory' and a nice tie in with Roman Mythology. Currently at #31, so apparently, a lot of people feel the same way.


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  • Thanks for the suggestions! As much as I like "Vic" as a nn for Victoria I just couldn't have 2 girls named Andie and Vic. ha.

    thanks ladies!  


  • I really like all of the names you're considering.

    Just for your consideration, Frances and Victoria easily have the NNs Frankie and Tory, so if you want this child's NN to "match" Andie's, either of those would be good choices.

    However, if you'd rather stray away from that, Lydia and Alice would be lovely choices. I'd go Lydia over Alice to avoid an aliterative sibset, but that's just me.

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  • I like Alice and Victoria.  I actually know several little girls named Victoria so that seems like the MOST trendy to me.  It could just be a coincidence with the people I know, though. 

    I do not like Frances at all.  I don't mind Francesca, but Frances is really awful, IMO.  Lydia is fine.

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  • I only like Alice and Victoria. I would choose Alice though because I am not a fan of the nn Vicky.
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  • Love Lydia! DH wouldn't go for it because of bad association or else I'd use it in a heartbeat. Andie and Liddy would be adorable sisters:)
    Mom to Emma, Noah, Isaac, Asa, Asher, Jonah and expecting baby Alice 7/16


  • My favorite is Victoria (we are using this as a MN.) Lydia seems very trendy, probably because I know a few little girls with this name. Not a fan of Frances. Alice is cute, probably my second fave. 
  • In order form favorite to least favorite:

    1. Victoria

    2. Lydia

    3. Alice

    4. Frances.

    I'm not a fan of Frances.  I don't like Fran/Franny for a nm.

    I'm sure you have thought of it, but what about Charlotte? I know it is a bit popular now, but it is truly a classic. (and I  really liked it, but DH vetoed it. )

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  • I really just hate Alice. I know that it's suddenly popular, but ugh. I think of three things: 1.) the maid from The Brady Bunch, 2.) The '70s sitcom about the diner waitress, and 3.) this slob named Alice that I worked with... wretched woman. So, moving on.

    Lydia is fantastic. I know a 7-year old named Lydia and she's the cutest, coolest kid. Love it. Frances is great, and I love the nn Franny, but I love Francine and Francesca even more. Just a thought. Victoria is lovely, just not really my style.

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  • I really like all of your choices except Frances.  I think the nn Frankie is really cute for a girl but I just think Frances is kinda blah and too rarely used for girls.
  • I love all of your names except Victoria, and that's just because of a negative personal association.

    Have you considered Veronica?

    Of all of yours listed, my vote goes to Alice.  Alice & Andie sound so cute together!

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  • Victoria is gorgeous! It would be on my list, but my cousin has a daughter with that name. That's definitely my fave on your list. I also really like Lydia and Alice. Hate Frances. 
  • Lydia has my vote. Such a beautiful name!

    2nd choice would be Victoria.




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  • love Lydia, i think it's a beautiful name.  


    Not a fan of frances, and i think alice is to boring....victoria sounds kind of evil to me for some reason.    But love Lydia!  

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  • I think Lydia and Victoria are not trendy. I don't consider Frances or Alice trendy either, but they do fit in to a trend, I guess (I will admit, I tend to see' trendy' as being a negative thing, but I love old names so the ones that fall in to that category are super appealing to me). 

    In order of favourite to least:

    Frances- I love it! It was my great grandmother's name (well, she was born Francesca but always want by Frances with the nickname Fanny), I think it's so stable and lovely. Frances is definitely feminine to me. Francis is not. The one letter makes a world of difference for me. But then again. I've started to really love unfeminine (but still completely legit) girl names. The issue I have with this is that many people don't understand the difference between Frances and Francis :/ 

    Alice- this made my list a number of years ago. I think Alice is so sweet and pretty!

    Victoria- I think this is a lovely name in full, but I don't like any of the nicknames. Victoria as always-Victoria is quite pretty. 

    Lydia- when I was really young (grade school aged) I didn't like Lydia at all but in the past 6 years it has really grown on me. I think it's nice. I'm not emotional over it, but it's a nice name.

    A name that came to mind reading your list is Vivian. I guess it's the combo of Frances and Victoria. I'd avoid Vivienne because that made the SSA list only after Angelina Jolie used it, but Vivian is long-standing on the chart. I think it would work well with Alexandra as well! 

  • I think Lydia or Victoria.  I would also insist on using the full name!
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  • I love Alice.  I do think it is rising in popularity, and I wouldn't be surprised if Twilight has something to do with that too.  But it isn't THAT popular.  Such a simple, classic name.

     Second up would be Lydia.  Plus it has a cute Muppets on You Tube. :)

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