Cloth Diapering

Tummy sleepers anyone??

I need help!  DS2 has taken to sleeping on his tummy.  We currently do pockets at night and now he's leaking through them!  Would fitteds work better in a situation like this since the whole diaper absorbs?   Help!  I don't want to give up on cding him!
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Re: Tummy sleepers anyone??

  • C is a tummy sleeper, and while most of the time he is only wearing a CD 6 hours or less at night, I find our BG's (also stuffed with a hemp insert) to be enough. I love my MSO with a thirsties cover if he will be in the dipe "all night". No leaks so far : )
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  • I have tummy sleeper and we use a BG pocket with both inserts and a hemp insert sandwhiched inbetween at night.

    He sleeps for about 11 hours. :)

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  • We do our BG 3.0s at night with the microfiber folded in the front and a hemp sandwiched in.  We have not had any leaks.  Even though I have a girl, because she is a tummy sleeper, I always put the extra bit of the insert in the front.  If we are going on a longer car ride, I will switch it around the other way.
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  • DD is a tummy sleeper. We use SBish snapless at night with either wool or a Thirsties cover. No leaks.  I have found when she naps in a pocket, she leaks everytime.
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