I was expecting it but at the same time I was surprised when she said it. They basically said this doesnt change anything, I am still on bedrest and taking procardia, and I am to call if I have contractions or feel anything unusual. At this point if I go into labor again they will deliver me. I know the FFN isnt a guarantee that you will go into labor within the next 2 weeks, has anyone had a positive FFN and not gone into labor? I am really just trying to prepare myself.
Off to work on my hospital bag. I should probably have someone pick up that preemie book too.
Re: XP: FFN came back positive
I had a negative FFN test and delivered early, so I would take the test with a grain of salt. My nurse told me the FFN tests for some substance that correlates with labor, but there is not necessarily causation between the two.
Think positive!! BTW, my son was born at 32 weeks, 6 days. He stayed in the NICU for 12 days, so don't be scared if you go into labor. They do pretty well at this point going forward. Stay off your feet too!! Make your DH pack your hospital bag.
Are they going to give you the steriod shots? You're right at the cut-off for them. Not sure how you feel about them but I think they really helped my son's lung development.
I just got a postive fFN on Monday and got admitted to the hospital where I still am. My CL length dropped a bit too. They want to keep me here and repeat the fFN in a few days and make sure my CL length is stable before they release me...if they even do.
You are correct a positive fFN is not as reliable as a negative. Chances do go up but there are a lot of false positives.