
Pediatrician Question

I am currently on bedrest for PTL and trying to prepare for a premature baby.  My consultation with our pedi isnt until Oct 27 but we do know we are going to go with him (my aunt is a pediatric nurse at our hospital and highly recommended him, I trust her).  Should I try to move up the appointment?  How involved is the pediatrician if there is NICU time?  He does rounds at the hospital so I know I would be able to meet with him after the birth if we end up going early.  She has spoken with him about me (before all of this started) so he is expecting us as a patient, that wouldnt be an issue. 

I know I could go full term and all of this is for nothing but I would rather be prepared, especially since I was back at the hospital Tuesday night with contractions (no more progress though) and they said at this point they wont do anything else to try to stop labor (except continue bedrest and procardia which has been upped to every 4 hours) and just call when my contractions are 5 minutes apart and intense.

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Re: Pediatrician Question

  • Our pediatrician wasn't at all involved with the boys' care while they were in the NICU. When each baby was discharged he called the neonatologists to discuss the boys before their first office visit.

    IMO, it's okay for you to wait to meet with him - especially if it will be difficult for you to do so.
  • Because my DS was so early (26 weeks) the neonatologist team were his only doctors in the NICU.  I met the pedi after he was born while he was still in the hospital, but she didn't take over his care until after he was released.  If you know that you want to use this pedi I would just call the office and ask at what point they would take over care of your baby and maybe do a phone interview with him if you want.  Good luck and hopefully you will make it full term!
    Kelly, Mom to Noah 8.27.05 (born at 26 weeks)
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  • Our pedi wasn't involved at all in ds's care. None of us even met her until the visit after we all came home from the hospital. She came highly recommended (similar situation to yours) and we knew we were going to use here. If I were you, I would not get off bedrest to go meet the pedi. You could always change pedis later if you decided anyway. Typically the neonatologists at the hospital will be the ones to provide your baby's care while in the NICU. Before our discharge they sent an entire summary of his chart and medical care to our pedi so she had all of his info. We also made an appointment with them when we found out we were going to be released (a Friday) and she had us bring him in that Monday to meet and evaluate him.
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  • My FIL is a pedi and we see one of his partners. FIL was the one on call the day of DS birth and had to diagnose him with RDS (we had no idea he'd have problems since my OB dated me as 37 weeks incorrectly). All of the pedis in the practice visited. FIL every day and the others a few times a week. They made no decisions as to care but stayed very up to dat eon his condition by looking at xrays, doing exams, and talking to the neonatologists. That was very helpful once ds was discharged because they picked right up where the NICU left off. I know I'm in a unique situation though. I'd suggest contacting them if you think they would not be aware of the full situation you are in and it would be great if he'd round on your DC in the hospital. Even though he won't do any care, it's great to have him completely up to date.
  • My pediatrician is unique- She actually did a fellow in neonatology and has a GI background.
    She rounded on Robbie every day and was an extra decision maker.
    I found her through one of the neos at the hospital.
    He told me that most of the docs don't come by.. a few will round daily but mostly just keeping track.

    but our ped rounds and is involved. She was the one that pushed for more feedings.. reflux treatment etc etc..
    she was DEFINITELY our advocate.

    But again.. she's an exception.
  • Same as KellyMichelle.
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