even if the products are good. I bought an in stock, ready to ship, piddle poodles on 12/31. I have yet to receive a shipment notice. I bought a GAD and some RnG on 12/19, emailed her last week (hey, I figured since it was custom and the holidays that it would take a while), and she said it would be done in a few days. Still no shipment notice.
On the other hand, B4, bippy diapers, and MS all had shipment notices to me by the next day (or even same day!).
Re: Slow shipping makes me not want to buy again
I like the 2 Piddle Poddle Cadillacs we have but I likely won't order any more for that reason. I ordered them with a future shipping date - fine, whatever. That date passed and no notice... Emailed them. No response. Emailed again and FINALLY a response. She said it will be shipped soon and to "tell my friends" and that sales were coming up. Um... What makes you think I'm going to order again when I'm still waiting on my first shipment? And tell my friends what?
I was not impressed and from what I've heard, others have had the same issue.
Same here. I like the 3 that I have but will probably sell the one print I'm over. For a OS it fits really small. Kinda like the MS but atelast the MS toddlers fit better then the PP.
I ordered a Christmas diaper from PP in middle September. It didn't get here till Nov.
No more ordering from her. I'll stick to MS, GM, TT and the others.
It is small! It fits, but I have such a hard time snapping the hip snap on the furthest snap. I wish I had gotten the toddler size.
I'm going to have to find some hip snap covers soon because I'm not going to be able to snap that part for much longer.
The toddler size is HUGE. I'm trying to sell it for cheap because it's a Christmas print. lol.
I have two prints that DH doesn't want me to sell because he loves them. One is a sushi print (I want to find the GM one so i can sell the PP) and another one is ooga. Apparently he doesn't realize that everyone makes ooga. haha.
I'm having the same trouble with Kellyscloset. You'd think for a bigger well-known company they wouldn't take over a week to get something shipped!!
Ug! It does make you not want to come back. The only reason I ordered there was for the free FBOS.
Methinks I'll be buying from some smaller, more reliable companies next time!