Toddlers: 12 - 24 Months

Language development = sleep regression?

DD's language has just started to explode in the last month or so, and she's finally figured out that she can communicate with us and tell us what she wants/needs.

Now it seems that she's starting to fight sleep by talking to us - she'll stand in her crib and yell "mama, no no no," or she'll start saying "pee pee, pee pee," or "ite bye bye" (light bye bye) over and over again. I'm not sure if it's just a phase or a developmental thing or if it's because she's just getting used to using her language, but whatever it is, it's taking her from a bad sleeper to a terrible sleeper, and I'm exhausted!

Anyone else notice LO fighting sleep (or some kind of change in sleep patterns) when they started using more language?

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Re: Language development = sleep regression?

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    yesss... this passed week DS has started saying so many words, but he's also been sleeping horribly!! he doesn't try to fight sleep, but he cries in his sleep like every half hour for 3-4 hours at a time. it's horrible :( 

    Me: 37
    DH: 36
    Married: 08-25-07
    DS: 11-20-09

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    DD's sleep suffers every time she hits a milestone. She just started putting 2 words together and sure enough, she's been up talking at 4 am! I usually know it's a milestone vs. pain because she either wakes up talking (rather than crying) or cries but is perfectly happy once we go in there, talking and laughing and trying to play.

    It usually doesn't last too long, at least for us!

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    DD's sleep suffers every time she hits a milestone. She just started putting 2 words together and sure enough, she's been up talking at 4 am! I usually know it's a milestone vs. pain because she either wakes up talking (rather than crying) or cries but is perfectly happy once we go in there, talking and laughing and trying to play.

    It usually doesn't last too long, at least for us!

    I was going to say basically this same thing. DD seems to have some sleep disruption with ever major milestone. This one is a nuisance, yes, but its kind of amusing to hear her randomly wake up and say "ni-ni baby... eyes... elbow... ligh' off". Her little mind is always turning... :) 

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    yep... cute, but it gets old quick in the middle of the night!
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    OMG!!!  I feel like smacking my forehead- it never occurred to me that milestones=bad sleeping.  DD has just started waking up in the middle of the night nearly every night.  DH is the one who takes care of her, but hopefully this will end soon and she'll be zonked out for 11 hours straight again.
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    Oh my gosh, I was just thinking about asking this. DD has been getting up really, really early for the last couple of weeks. I am about to lose my mind! But for some reason I just thought of the milestone this morning (4:30am, ugh). She has been getting really good at communicating with us and putting together 2-3 word sentences. Now it all makes sense! I really hope she gets over it soon because she used to be a really good sleeper.
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