Detroit Babies

Peds & Counselor Recs

Hello all,

DH and I live in Livonia and we had our son 4 weeks ago, at 30 weeks gestation.  I had HELLP Syndrome and went through a lot of trauma during our stay.  I'm also dealing with some grief and loss.  I'm looking for some recs for some good counselors, just someone to talk to and work through some residual things.

Also, once DS gets out of the hospital we'll need a pediatrician.  We're new to the area so we don't really know of any good ones.

AND, any recs for a GP?  We don't have a regular doctor either because we just moved here when I was 18 weeks pregnant so I always just went to the OBGYN.

THANKS!!Big Smile

Re: Peds & Counselor Recs

  • no recommendations here, i'm in Troy so nowhere near close but just wanted to say sorry you're going through this and glad your LO is ok
    imageNicole Hanna 11-23-2010
  • We use Providence Park Pediatrics at Providence Park Novi.  We specifically see Dr. Newcombe and absolutely love her.  The practice comes highly recommended.

    If you are looking for a general primary care physician I go to Infinity Primary Care at Providence Park Novi and see Dr. Carter.  I know there is an Infinity Primary Care office in Livonia as well.

    I have no recs for counselors, but I just wanted to say I hope things start to go much better and your LO is doing well!

    Gabriel Joseph 6/13/2010
    BFP#2: 8/14/11 M/C 8/30/11 6w1d
    BFP #3: 10/26/11
    Beta #1 @11dpo: 22 Beta #2 @13dpo: 90 Beta #3 @17dpo: 480
    Missed m/c 12w3d 12/28/11, d&c 12/30/11
    dx Homozygous C677T MTHFR image image
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  • I don't have any recommendations, but just wanted to say I'm sorry you had such a rough birth.  Hope your LO is doing well and gets to come home soon!

    Ask your obgyn for some recommendations on counselors.  They should have some names

    Warning No formatter is installed for the format bbhtml
  • I don't have any recs either but I'm glad you and your LO are healing.
    Come chat with other moms:!
  • Welcome to the area, congrats on the new baby, but sorry to hear about the grief & loss.  I'm in Northville.

    Northville has NewHopeCenter for Grief Support.  I just found out about this place since our church will be hosting a 8 week grief support group through them in Feb.

    Our GP is Dr. Kellman at Livonia Family Physicians (Newburgh Road, north of 6 Mile Rd).  We've been going there for about 7 yrs or so & were recommended by DH's friend.

    As for Pediatricians: we go to Pediatric Care Corner Haggery Rd. just south of Pontiac Trail in West Bloomfield.  It's about 20 min. for me to get there, but so worth it.  There are 4 doctors & I see mostly 3 of them: Dr. Boyle, Dr. Bobal & Dr. Economy.  Dr. Rowley is the 4th & the one who started the practice.  She's a bit older, and I go to the other 3 since they are more my age & have kids the same age as us.  Never had a problem, no long waits & have always been treated great.  I know many people who use them.                                 

    Feel free to email me: broncoalum97 at yahoo dot com

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  • I don't have any suggestions, but I am glad that others could. (((HUGS))) I'm glad you and your son are doing okay!

    Married ~ DD 2004 ~ 2 2nd tri losses ~ DS 2011 5 weeks 1 day early ~ DD2 2012
  • I'm so sorry you had such a rough time, too.  I hope everything else is going well now, and that he's doing much better.

    We go to IHA in Canton.  It's a large practice with a bunch of doctors, nurse practioners, and even at least one lactation consultant.  They have weekend hours, and they have labs, x-rays and pharmacy all in the same building.  They're just past Beck on Cherry Hill.  Not too far from Livonia.  This is our third pediatrician, and I'm extremely happy with them.

    I use Northville Medical Clinic - Dr. Ross Summers on Main Street in Northville.  They have an urgent care, lab, xray, stress test, and all sorts of stuff on site, too.  I've referred a bunch of people to him, and they all like him.  He spends a good deal of time talking with you, which sometimes makes the wait a little long, but he's worth it. 248-349-1900.

     Hope those help.  I drive from Dearborn for both these places.  I think they're both worth the drive.

    Good luck!




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