Virginia _____ F---man
Our best bets so far are Madeline & Naomi, neither of which do I think is perfect. We do live in the south and a LOT of folks are saying we should use May/Mae or Sue/Susanne, but my husband is NOT interested in those.
I also really like Rosalinde, but DH prefers Rosalynn, and I don't care for any "lynn"s.
Other ideas, sweet ladies?? She will probably go by Ginny, so something rhyming with that we'd like to avoid. Family heritage is Scottish, English, & German.
Re: Middle name for girl :)
Would this work as a compromise?
Heavens to Murgatroyd Blog
Unofficial Baby Names Sticky Note: New and Old| Local Bumpie Website
I personally think that Virginia Madeline (pronounced like Mad-e-lin not -line...not sure what you were thinking) sounds great.
What about Rosalie?
What about Rose since you both like different variations?
Virginia Claire, Virginia Kate, Virginia Christine?
Virginia is such a lovely name!
Would you guys be willing to compromise on something like Rosalind, Rosamund, Rosaline, or Rosemary?
I also like the sound of:
Virginia Beatrice
Virginia Catharine
Virginia Frances (*swoon* I love Frances as a middle name to pretty much everything)
Virginia Lenore
Virginia Pearl