Cloth Diapering

how/where do you put your dirty CDs?

So we are just starting to looking into the whole CD process. We have 15 bum genius CD's (do we need more??) and we are stumped on what to do with the dirty CD's once they have been rinsed out (we got the sprayer thing). Any help would be great, thanks ladies!
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Re: how/where do you put your dirty CDs?

  • I think 90% of us use a wet bag system. Some have one that hangs on a hook on the back of a door, others use a wet bag that fits inside a trash can like a trash bag. Either way, they're made of PUL, so are fine to put wet diapers into, and get tossed in the wash with the diapers. I think most of us have 2-3 large wetbags for at home, than usually a couple zippered ones for diaper bags.

    I hear lots of people like Planetwise bags. I made my own, so I can't recommend a brand.

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  • Well, you don't really have to spray anytime too soon (we never have). Formula and breastmilk are both water soluble, so you can just toss the CD in the diaper pail. For huge poops (and since he's started solids) we will wipe the excess out with toilet paper and flush, but you don't have to rinse them first.

    We use a simple foot pedal operated plastic trash can from target and a kissaluvs antibacterial pail liner. You'll also want a wet bag or two for when you're out.

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  • You'll definitely need more if you plan on CDing full time. Right now we have 26 I think and I do laundry every other day. You don't need a sprayer unless LO is eating solids either. This is what I do.... Take diaper off DD, take insert out and toss everything in stainless steel trash can. I have 2 pail liners (spare for when washing) and 1 Munchkin Arm and Hammer air freshener on the inside of the lid. I have a front load so to wash I do a cold rinse/soak w no spin and no deterg. Then heavy duty, hot/cold wash, extra rinse....line dry pockets and dry inserts in machine! HTH!
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  • My bag is kissaluvs as well
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  • I have a fuzzibunz hanging wet bag -- I do the laundry as soon as she's pooped (once every two days). so I don't worry about a pail, but if I didn't, I'm sure I'd want a pail with a lid that closed to contain the stench. I also have a bunch of smaller wetbags (a wahmmies, two MFD) for my diaper bag and while the fuzzibunz is in the wash.
  • Yes, you'll likely need more.

    You won't need a sprayer until you start solids.

    I put mine in a plastic trash can with a flip top lid lined with a pillowcase. When it's full, I dump it all (including the pillowcase) straight into the wash.

  • Yes, you will need more unless you want to do laundry every day.

    We have a step lid trashcan from wal mart with a planet wise pail liner in it.  When i take the diaper off DS I put them in there and on wash day put the diapers and liner in wash.  Super easy.

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